You don't mix wire gauges.
Do yourself a favor and get these, they're great:
I've got a Klein single-motion wire stripper (the kind where you just insert the wire and squeeze, and it does everything,) that I think is one of the most useful tools I've ever purchased. Makes small electronics work so fast and efficient. One of those tools that just "works," not a gimmick.
You're all idiots,
For the win . So easy, so precise, bargain for $30, and you never have to guess the gauge in low light, although sometimes they over bite and you have to trim bare copper to your desired thickness.
This has been a quality PSA and I love you all and wish you productive and profitable days ahead my friends ✌
Best one I found is the Kline wire strippers, they're the most robust design I've found and can ever strip ancient, dried, plastic-y insulation. Only downside is they aren't automatically sizing, you have to know the wire size or work your way down lol
Klein katapult wire strippers
This is one of those specialty tools that was mentioned. I use mine whenever i have a lot of makeup to do, or when i am doing control work with a lot of wires to land. Most guys don't have a set and wouldn't buy themselves one, so a good option for a gift! Thats how i got mine.
Surprised at the number of "electricians" that use these things. For what you have to pay to get a mediocre quality pair you can get a much higher quality pair of these. They handle a bigger range wire gauge (both max at 22, anything above you should do by hand..) and do a better job.
Things I recently purchased:
What do you all think about these strippers?
What kind of low vo work do you do? I have a Irwin clone of the Klein automatics you linked, except i carry this in tandem with it instead.
And paired them with these.
So with this set, I can pop the red jacket off some 18/2 solid firewire with the Irwin's and use the klein katapults with the small guage replacement blades and strip the individual conductors. This is my setup when wiring smoke detector bases on a new install. Works like a charm.
it depends on the job.
pyro work with 18-22ga solid core wire? basic vnotch, diags or a razor knife.
4/0 service entry wire or 0-8ga cables for solar/vehicles? razor knife.
I like this style of stripper when I'm doing a lot of small wires.
I recently added this style to my array and have been happy with it.
the standard wire strippers everyone has, with the different holes, are also fine for many situations. I use a dedicated pair of crimpers for terminals.
Klein Tools 11063W Wire Cutter / Wire Stripper, Heavy Duty Wire Stripper Tool for 8-20 AWG Solid and 10-22 AWG Stranded Electrical Wire
Marine electrician here: definitely follow up and try to get the ABYC cert when you can, its a big help. The class is very informative, you might see whole areas of our profession you haven't seen before. I certainly did. Before the class, I had mainly done 12v, electronics, batteries/solar, and some basic shore power stuff. They covered inverter/genset issues, electrolysis and corrosion, and a lot more AC stuff, really opened up a lot of doors. 23 years later I'm still using some of the info I picked up there.
Here's my bare bones tool kit: Multimeter Wire strippers Crimpers Regular snips, plus these for zip ties For heat shrink i use these instead of a regular torch, because it can bend around behind stuff better.
Also, a one of these drills with these attachments and a little socket/bit set and you can disassemble a Beneteau into tiny pieces!
I mostly have snap-on & matco for my wiring tools but there are plenty of brands with comparable products, i just wouldn't go bottom of the barrel.
However i can recomend style.
For strippers i normally use this style However in tight spots i reach for these but for long term durabilty you cant go wrong with a set of the tried & true (i would avoid really cheap versions of these)
The young guys love these catapults
I prefer the regular strippers myself however
why not self-adjusting strippers like these?
you don't have to match the gauge and you don't need to yank on it as much either. Just squeeze.
What about these strippers? They cut the insulation almost right through.
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This kind of wire stripper will make stripping them super easy, I've used it at least 200 times for speaker wiring. Don't bother with this kind, I've always found them super awkward to use.