Looks like a standard TV wall mount, custom shelves for each console, and custum cut and painted raceways for each cable. Any slack is likely coiled behind the TV.
What a great view! Also, I really love the idea of the frame TV but I feel like that console underneath ruins the illusion because it’s such a “TV” setup. A little cable management molding and you could ditch the console for an even cleaner look.
I got these from Amazon. They work well although opening them up to add or remove cables can be a bit stiff.
Also, the planters are from Target. They come with fake plants, but I replaced them with actual succulents.
I have a fan white noise, and monitor plugged in. I keep cords tidy by running them through a cord hider thing? This on Amazon
Wiremold CMK50 Cord Mate II Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_c_api_OijYzbJVYR1VM
I also use one of those bulky child proof plug things for the essentials- baby monitor, so she can't ever unplug it. I suppose she could unplug her fan or light but the sockets are baby proof ones that just close if you unplug something.
I have her bed, a few baby safe toys, books, etc. an ikea storage cube thing that is typically used as a room divider but we lay them on their sides for the kids. It also hides the plugs where stuff is plugged in. Make sense?
Take out non critical. Mount anything you are worried about. Keep the rocking chair and stuff. You'll need it. Shoot it's 1:30 am here and I'm rocking her back down (cutting eye teeth and bronchitis yay)
Hey Owen, get some wire covers. That looks like shit. Takes like 2 minutes to install too with double sided tape.
Currently working on putting some shelves up on our wall to hold my game consoles, and I'm trying to find a cheap/effective way to hide the cables. I was gonna use cord covers such as this. However, they're pretty permanent, and I'd like to have the option to remove my cords on a regular basis should I wanna take one of my consoles to a friend's or my parents' house.
Can anyone suggest a cheap but effective way to hide the cables dangling down that still allows me to remove the cables?
Small suggestion, you should consider a cord hiding kit for your mounted TV. With the cables hidden it looks much cleaner. They can also be painted to match the wall
Wiremold CMK50 Cord Mate II Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_bRY5vbRGV0KNX
The router test is just temporary to help determine if location-in-your-apartment makes any difference or not.
As others have said, the router that Frontier provides kinda stinks BUT it shouldn't be atrocious with lots of packet loss.
In my opinion, you should consider getting these peel-and-stick wire molds. You can neatly run wires without damaging any walls.. My wife and I literally ran some wire molding last night to nicely conceal speaker wire in our living room. Amazon, Home Depot, etc. all sell them.
I've had good luck buying these from amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015EDVVU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
However i use them to run Cat-6 along the walls in some unfinished parts of my basement, not for lighthouses.
Could get something like this to hide the cables going up to the TV, and possibly under the desk.
Maybe a little decoration. Other than that, looks great.
We've probably lost a good $1000-$1500 worth of gear to our bun. A few gaming keyboards/headsets and about a million phone chargers. It literally only takes them a second. One time I saw him heading toward a charger (wasn't even chewing on it yet) and by the time I made it over to him, it was too late.
We finally decided to stop being dumb and got a bunch of split tubing (linked above) and cable management. Hasn't been a problem since.
It was really easy to use, they come with double-sided tape installed on them too. The only issue is that they are pretty small. I have 3 cords in there, HDMI and two standard, flat power cords and it's pretty snug.
So the stands can run wire in them and you're saying to use racetrack like this to run horizontally from base of speaker stand to about the middle of the nook/center speaker area and run it up from there to AVR?
I like that idea....
You could always run this raceway up and along the corners of the walls. They are paintable as well.
I mean.... dude if the only thing between you and 7.1 is cabling aesthetics why don't you get yourself some raceway?
Oh, in that case, a cheap wiremold kit is probably your best bet. Make sure it's the plastic though, you don't want to deal with cutting the metal version.
FYI, I'm not an electrician, I just enjoy spending copious amounts of time from early spring through summer accomplishing random home improvement projects on the weekends.
EDIT: This will probably do the job; also, you can paint it to match your walls.
Not knowing the amount of wiring, makes a suggestion a little difficult. Wire Raceway can be bought in different sizes and can be painted and allows for wire access if needed. Very easy to install. You may need to research a different size if you need it for more than a few wires.
If it is a very large amount of wires, davey_darling 's idea of the split loom may be the best idea.
maybe something like this running up the corner to the crown molding where it slim chance could be tucked in? if your lucky they have those frames under the crown molding for pictures but houses don't really have those anymore
How much slack do you have from the speakers to the receiver? It doesn't look like too much from how the cables are positioned now?
Regarding the cables from the TV down, for something simple you can just use a cable cover like this: https://www.amazon.com/Wiremold-CMK50-Cord-Mate-Kit/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1468216663&sr=8-3&keywords=cable+hider
Or use these and run the optical into the ceiling from a corner, they're white and house optical and coax for me with room to spare Wiremold CMK50 Cord Mate II Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_qD0zxb55T4Z6W
Distance isn't a big thing just set it away from the exhaust of the projector, all. My stuff is 30 ft plus but if I could put it all I'd do it in the ceiling tile behind your projector, if you're worried about ventilation grab a grated tile
You might consider using some kind of cable management, for instance something like this.
Unless you are able and willing to cut a groove into the door you might be best just running the cable naked across the frame in the usual gap between the bottom of the door and the floor.
That's fair, but I'm willing to bet that OPs wife would be happy with that Best Buy solution.
Honestly, running speaker wire through the wall can be so much more rewarding than just hiding it in the corner and it's so easy if you just cover the hole with a nifty face-plate from home depot.
I ran the wires at my old living room along the wall and I used wire molding: http://www.amazon.com/Wiremold-CMK50-Cord-Mate-Kit/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1446181831&sr=8-1&keywords=wire+covers I don't know what you're doing but this is prettier than just having wires hanging out in the corner of the room. Might be a solution /u/whodat6209 wife would be okay with.
This thing is going to destroy the mac.
Nice work on the build, the only thing I would consider changing is the SSD situation. 500 gigs should be plenty for an SSD and if it isn't, why not get a 1 TB ssd? SSD's actually get faster the bigger they are.
I'm not sure what you mean by extra cables/extensions. Can you link me to an example please? As for white cables... tell your girlfriend the cables work the same whether they are white or not! Or google white cable sleeves, white cable wraps, white cable kits and you should find some things like this.
Have fun with your build and nice work saving so much money. I tell you, nothing gets my wife hornier than saving money.
I had some of these laying around: http://www.amazon.com/Legrand-CMK50-Cord-Mate-Kit/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=pd_sim_e_7?ie=UTF8&refRID=1Y8F8J0YWENK7JB3TEFK
Put them through and carpet is still causing enough static to have the projector go out. Running out of ideas except to wall mount :(
I wouldn't recommend doing it wireless. It might work out but latency will probably be an issue. An HDMI cable would be the best choice, you could maybe get something like this to hide it with.
Hole in the wall and drop the cable down. Then put a wall grommet near your outlet.
Or one of the cable hiding plastic pieces, legrand makes a good one but make sure you use vinegar to remove them or else they’ll pull the paper off the drywall which Is a pain to fix.
Edit: forgot to mention that if you’re putting a power cable in the wall you’ll need a different cable to actually run through the wall to keep it in code as it is a potential fire hazard. Here is a good kit that would fit for this example
Have you considered this? Just look into some cable management/ cable tunnels.
They're not invisible but after a few days you'll think they are.
Generic wall mount kit from amazon.
And these:
Get one of these to hide the visible wall cable too! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015EDVVU
These are great for hiding cables
Just use something like this. It's what I used to run the cable up to my AP.
I'm assuming you're just casting via DLNA/Chromecast/etc with the single cable showing.
Use a raceway like this against the wall to make it less noticeable.
This is what I used for a similar problem. They are paintable and stick really well.
Try: Wiremold CMK50 Cord Mate II Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Q67szbY5HFVRZ
For future builds, something like this would probably be a more elegant and less labor intensive way of routing your cables up your wall.
Love the setup! If you want to hide the wires, I recommend checking these out: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015EDVVU/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Nice setup. If the TV wires bother you, you could pick up something like this.
I think you were on to something initially with the PC fans. They're standardized, low power, and last forever. Instead of using the 3 or 4 pin connectors, you could get a USB powered model, like these, plug them into a USB AC charger, and the charger into a timer or inline switch. If you find the airflow isn't enough, you can add a second fan or try a larger one. It won't dry a tube in 10 seconds, but let it sit for 5 minutes and it should do the job.
Instead of 3D printing small stuff, you could always use Sugru. For a funnel, see if you can find a car oil funnel. They go from a large square (for the fans) to a small circle (for the tube).
If you want to get super fancy, since the tubes are a standardized length, you could mount this fan contraction to a wall with a second set of funnel and fans at the opposite end (but with the fans flipped over). Then you'd have gravity pulling the water down, the fan blowing dry air from the top, and the moisture being sucked out the bottom. Connect the two pieces with some plastic wire conduit/covers and you got yourself a nice, tidy solution.
You could even have a 'deluxe' model with an attached shelf containing a few fans under a grating/mesh for the other bits, like face mask and head strap.
I wouldn't use a hairdryer because of the heat. I'd opt for something that uses cool air, but requires no oversight.
Of course the alternative is to just clean it early in the day and let it dry for a few hours... (but I do love my gadgets).
everything you need. You can buy these local and get even longer straight pieces at Homedepot.
This is a good way to go without routing through the wall: http://www.amazon.com/Wiremold-CMK50-Cord-Mate-Kit/dp/B0015EDVVU
You'll be amazed at what a difference it makes.
how about using a cord channel to "hide" the wires?
RE: Wires You can just strap the cords to the back of the stand. You'll need a space (down near the bottom?) to coil the extra cord.
You can use velcro straps to keep the coils nice and for the other, it's gonna depend on your stand. If it's wood, you can just screw some guides into it. Or you can buy wire guides that have double-sided tape and use those. Or 3M has some things for cable management. Or use some wire loom (cheap in the auto section of stores) to combine all the wires into 1 "thing".
Nice, buy a few of these to clean up the look of all those wires. I have them myself and they look awesome.
EDIT - just saw you'll be moving in 9 months, nevermind! lol
Legrand CMK50 Cord Mate II Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_2U7qvb0S5B7HJ
Well make sure to get cable raceways to hide everything without damaging the apartment. I'd get a cheap TV stand for your electronics, monoprice has a few. They also have mounts that tilt, but the ones you'd want are expensive but slide. As far as audio goes, I say buy a receiver and either the center channel or a stereo pair to start and just keep adding as you have the money.
If you want a cheap alternative you can get paintable cable covers that I think look pretty good. http://www.amazon.com/Legrand-CMK50-Cord-Mate-Kit/dp/B0015EDVVU
Also wall mounts are way cheaper than people think: http://www.monoprice.com/Product?c_id=109&cp_id=10828&cs_id=1082822&p_id=4114&seq=1&format=2
I just recently set up my 5.1 system with these bad boys http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0015EDVVU/ref=oh_details_o08_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Go wired and get some of these to hide the cables Wiremold CMK50 Cord Mate II Kit https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0015EDVVU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fi-zyb8GMG6HC