LOL... I have one male Downy that will purposefully chase sparrows out of the bushes I have have my feeders nestled in. Whenever I see him do that, I'm literally cheering him on. I also cheer on the Cardinals when they hiss at the Sparrows and chase them off the perch on my big feeder. It's one like this:
I have the counterbalance set pretty well. A Blue Jay can perch on it and it will slowly lower. Long enough for them to grab one seed and hop off to eat it, but not so long that they can be greedy filling their gular pouch.
A feeder like this with a weight limit perch could work! If a larger bird sits on the perch, it closes the openings for seeds. The small birds I've seen at my feeders eat the sunflower seeds and milo and millet, just a cheapish song bird blend :)
> Droll Yankee
I can't find the exact model I have, mine looks a bit nicer, but it's the same general idea as this one