Ooh, you should definitely get WorldEnd . The last volume just came out in English today.
>!If you liked all the despair in Zeroth Maria, you’ll definitely like WorldEnd.!<
You can preorder on Amazon right now.
I bought mine via amazon.de. They're still english and should ship "worldwide" if it's bought directly from amazon. amazon.co.jp i.e. ships many things to Germany without shipping fees. Do note however, that Vol. 1 is rather hard to get. I purchased mine on 03/16 and it's expected to arrive on 06/05..
Vol. 1: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/1975326873
Vol. 2: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/1975326881
Vol 3: https://www.amazon.de/-/en/gp/product/1975326911