I will take a look at the IC tomorrow as it is a bit late. Here is the boost converter I am using: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RNBJK5F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_D0ETFbNMCAYMZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Here is the rating on it, though I wouldn't put money on this info: Input Voltage: DC 2V-24V
Output Voltage: DC 5V-28V
Maximum Output Current: 2A
Maximum Coversion Efficiency: 93%
I have some LEDs attached to it, which could potentially have .24A at most, though in reality is a fraction of that.
> A weird glitch I encountered is when powered with normal batteries after a while the voltage drops (wouldn't have that problem with a nice usb powerpack haha) and the controller does kind of a semi-shutdown.
Yeah, batteries are a pain. If you do decide to stick with disposables, there are some small DC-DC boost converters can put out a relatively reliable voltage output, albeit taking up some space themselves.
(("Boost" means it will take a low voltage and output a higher one, "buck" means it will take a high voltage and output a lower one, "buck-boost" means it can do either.))
Or you could bring in 9v and use a DC-DC booster to get the 12v. This would allow you to use your standard 9VDC power supply.
Assuming you're in the US, take a look at these or these from Amazon (w/ Prime) or this one on eBay (ships from China though).
Also, Mouser and Digikey sell the mEZD72401A-H, which is ready to go out of the box. Takes your voltage in and puts out 12V.
This is what the transformer is: link
Cheap and effective. Plus, I can power the module off usb if I want.
I was actually looking at this one this morning:
Given all the comments, going to look up some guides/tutorials/vids on implementing these, if it's like my step down, shouldn't be too bad.
I have this Eiechip dc to dc Step up Boost Converter, MT3608 with Mico USB, DC Voltage Regulator, Step Up Boost Converter Power Supply, Boost Module 2V-24V to 5V-28V 2A (Pack of 10) https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07RNBJK5F/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_Y1167J9T7FGEBECTNN5B