Wowtac, formerly called Atactical, is a relatively new budget brand aimed at non-enthusiasts. Ever since they showed up, their lights have been regularly recommended here for a few reasons.
Batteries are included. So far, all of their lights are 18650 powered. Because they're aimed at people who aren't into flashlights yet, Wowtac's lights all come with special 18650 cells. The protection circuits on these cells are also charging circuits. They charge from a micro USB port on the positive end of the cell. Depending on whether you get the A_ or the A_S version, the light will come with either a 2600mAh or a 3400mAh cell.
Quality to price ratio. Their website says they have "technical support provided by ThruNite". I'm not sure what that means exactly, but it's clear that the two companies are connected. Wowtac's lights are very similar in style and build quality to ThruNite's lights. They don't sell for ThruNite prices though. The A1 and A1S have build quality comparable to the ThruNite TN12, but for $30 and $20 less, respectively.
They're on Amazon. If you've never ordered from China before, it can seem kind of sketchy, and the long wait times take some getting used to. Wowtac's lights are on Amazon, and they're Prime eligible.
All that being said, they aren't perfect. The A3's zooming mechanism is flawed, just like every other aspheric zooming mechanism out there. Some users report that the charging circuits get hot when you give them too much current. They sell stupid tacticool flashlights.
I would go with the Wowtac A1s and get a seperate UV light. Easy mode switching, very bright turbo mode, and optional strike bevel for self defense. This is a pretty commonly recommended light on this sub.
Thank you! If anyone complains about cutbacks, well, bully to them. They can run the odd numbers.
I'd still posit these for consideration though. Even if its a third light because you have some extra cash left over. I daily carry an A1S BSS v2 and its never let me down. For $30 with a battery included you get an incredibly solid light with Thrunite support. The A1S and A2S are also excellent gateways into figuring out what you want from a flashlight for reasonably cheap and without too many compromises.
Wowtac A1S - seems to be a winner for me...
Good luck to everyone, and thanks for your generosity. I've been looking for a light, and may just buy this one after I'm sure I haven't won it.
>From the doorway (Turns into a shitshow if I need to go in with lights out and whatnot) I am just looking to see that they are there, and ideally they are alright.
I incorrectly assumed that you had to go in and do a closer check like acute care facilities do.
> my old flashlight that was red was really bright and I'd just shine it on the ceiling and it'd light up the whole room.
With that in mind, the Nitecore I recommended earlier probably won't work for you since the red LED in it is pretty low power. You might be better off getting a Solarforce L2M host (runs 18650, or can run stubby with 18350 with the extension tube removed) and a red LED drop in like this one from KAI Domain.
Or just get a white light that will take a screw in or slip on red filter, like Fenixes linked by u/ImALittleCrackpot. The Wowtac A1S BSS includes a screw in red filter and is complete package for $40.
I hope this helps you find the right light or at least gets you going in the right direction.
The A1S has twice the lumens output as the A1
I like my A1S, it's my first 'proper' flashlight
There is also the A1S BSS TAC -
WOWTAC A1S BSS TAC V2 and swap out the crenulated bezel for the red lens.
oh ok, thanks!
so I guess this is the old one it has a lot of reviews saying it broke after a week which is weird considering how popular it is.
Could it be a country thing? It shows up fine for me in the US.
Just getting into nice flashlights and this would be amazing to help kick off my collection!
Thanks for the opportunity! link
Giveaway you say? Thanks!
Thanks for the giveway, best of luck for everyone entering.
I would really like the Wowtac A1S V2.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Just don't get the one with the absurd bezel
Hahah, Love the Chilean Peso twist!
I'd get the Wowtac A1S