I had 3 ferrets, two now unfortunately rip my baby girl ❤️ So many people way underestimate how smart ferrets are, mine can do a number of different tricks just like my dogs. Also if you’re a parent thinking about getting ferrets for young children, don’t! If you’re an adult interested in getting ferrets consider the following. Many people think their care level is basic like a rodent or something (I partly blame misinformation at pet stores for this) when they really need an advanced level of care. It’s easy to underestimate how much attention and time ferrets require. They’re incredibly high energy, very smart and GET INTO EVERYTHING, be prepared to put baby locks on drawers and build custom gates for your home because they can climb just about anything, and can fit through 1 inch gaps, they’re easy for little humans (and adults) to accidentally step on which can easily kill them. They’re obligate carnivore’s and belong to the mustelid family, they’re essentially weasels. Also that dry Marshall’s & Kaytee brand foods they sell in pet stores is AWFUL for them. My vet recommends a raw diet of meat/organs, or if you must buy bagged food it needs to be specialized ferret food like this… which is way more expensive then the Marshall’s/Kaytees stuff they sell in the pet stores, but ultimately they need good quality food with a very high percentage of protein. The ferrets that are on Marshall’s/Kaytee type brand foods often have a way lower percentage of muscle and body fat to a point of being unhealthy, even when free fed. They need LOTS of stimulation & if you’re going to cage them then they need at least 4-6 hours of roaming time in the house PER DAY. I built mine a custom outdoor ferret pen so they can get some fresh air outside when the weather is nice. If you do get ferrets, they’re extremely rewarding and will deeply bond to you if you spend the time with them. If you think you can manage all the above then you might just be a great weasel parent!! Oh and monitor toys closely overtime because they can easily become a hazard for digestive blockage if small pieces are ingested. I think I’ve covered the bulk of it but other ferret owners chime in if I forgot anything :) Sorry for the Ted talk but if you made it this far I appreciate it. Also gotta add this has been one of my favourite videos on the internet for years so thank you for sharing OP!!
This is my recommendation for food. Do not. I repeat. Do not do Marshall's food/treats.
Another good rec. for treats that are healthy are these: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006OP4U10/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_m3EtFbJXB93EB
Happy you get the chance to give her a better life even if you don't keep her. Just please treat her right because ferrets are some of the best friends if you treat them right.
IIRC the old formula was switched to the label digestive support http://www.amazon.com/Wysong-Epigen-Digestive-Support-3-Pound/dp/B00M42P6SS/ref=pd_sim_199_1?ie=UTF8&refRID=0R5NN0AFEJWBRZSPM3A2#customerReviews
Updated chart is here