Yea and I also found this listing on amazon: X of Swords
It comes out next month even though the official solicits say it comes out December. Amazon has it listed at 408 pages, while the official one has it at over 600. Not sure what to make of that.
X of Swords is getting a hardcover. If you want the titles before that, they'll be in TPB format. Hellions Vol 1 has #1-6, Cable Vol 1 has #1-6 as well, so you'll be able to get the issues in those. There's no way around it, really - if you only get the title TPBs, you'll have to bounce around a lot, if you get the hardcover for X of Swords you'll have some overlap.
If you're not too deep into the TPBs, another angle is the Dawn of X TPBs which collect issues of various different series and will likely have a cleaner lead into X of Swords collection wise.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
X of Swords | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
X of Swords | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
X of Swords | - | - | 4.6/5.0 |
^Item Info | Bot Info | Trigger
here. it just says X-men 12-14.
From what I saw on other sites it’s missing 4-5 issues but this listing is from this Amazon listing.
Amazon has it listed for February 2 and for $60. They get releases late sometimes but it should be around then. X of Swords Hardcover
List price of $60 and release date in November.
> Each series has its own batch of tpbs. Dawn of X also has its own series of tpbs.
Good to know I have the option of either. Think I'll probably get the first 2 or 3 trades of Dawn and see if I like reading all the series or prefer to just focus on a few
> All trades pre-X of Swords have been released. Haven’t heard how that story will be collected. has a listing, of the story being in one big book. I'm hoping it gets cut down into smaller trades though, not a big fan of omnis