I've been using a PDP pad, and it is just flimsy as everyone says it is. Problem is, I absolutely love the style of d-pad. Anybody know of sturdier controller that is similar in that regard?
I bought this http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Versus-Controller/dp/B0051MQJWU
I'm a beginner to all traditional fighting games (i.e. not Smash) and this has been working well for me. Super cheap way to just play casually for now until I decide if I'll take the plunge.
Versus Pad, I use this and absolutely love it. It's really inexpensive and the official mkx pad is pretty much just a redesign (but for 5 times the price). Inputs feel much easier than any membrane d pad I've ever used and that includes a Razer Sabertooth. The nub is clicky and you feel and hear a click when it goes in any of the 8 directions. The only problem is they break easily but for $9.99 the arcade switches are a steal. When mine inevitably breaks down I'll have no problem replacing it.
You can find similar products available for purchase currently. Find something like this in-store and check out the feel of the buttons to see if you like it. If you don't like the left stick, don't worry. The MKX ones are actual Dpads, so as long as you enjoy the feel of the buttons you'll be good to go.
I picked on up at an EB Games -- PDP MVC3 Fightpad Pro ($20 for a returned unit). I think the XBOX/Microsoft store also carried them, at around $35 each, wired.
So it's not a d-pad -- it actually has actuators to sense when the analog-like stick has gone past certain activation points (with a click) -- it's actually digital inputs.
I prefer dpads, having played on SNES controllers back on the day -- things like dashing (F,F) motions are harder on this pad, and would be easier on a dpad.
I almost found my dream controller, but the only issue is it doesn't have 8-way directional support so it's hard to play NeoGeo with this thing. But microswitches on a regular gamepad are really awesome, and the analog (which is actually just a d-pad) feels amazing. I like the classic d-pads but have to admit they hurt my thumbs after a while.
I'm waiting for the new 8bitdo arcade stick to come out next month. If it's as good as the n30 Arcade Stick I'll probably just get that and call it a day with these two.
You mean something like <em>this</em>?
Apparently they only made them for the 360/PS3 though.
So basically you transformed your middle expensive pdp into the cheap one -> http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Versus-Controller/dp/B0051MQJWU
Also, related: am I the only one who uses one of these? http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Versus-Controller/dp/B0051MQJWU/ref=sr_1_1?s=videogames&ie=UTF8&qid=1315287635&sr=1-1
I know it sounds crazy, but I've been using the keyboard on PC and it's actually working pretty well. ASD for movement, space for jump, attacks on numpad. It's like a free hitbox alternative, basically.
For console I just bought one of these. It's not that great but they're only 10 dollars. The buttons are great, the stick takes a bit of getting used to and after about a year my last one started flaking out a tiny bit. I can't justify spending $150 for a stick, though. A regular controller isn't that awkward.
I played on a fightpad before and honestly you can't get any worse than an x360 pad so you might as well get the madcatz fightpad. It's not great in ANY respect, but it's better than the 360 d-pad.
The problem here is, the fightpad is going to break. No question. I haven't seen a single company make a quality fightpad that can withstand even moderate gaming.
With that in mind, I recommend This fightpad and just buy 5 of them. One will last you 3-6 months, but that's 3 months of excellent control due to the microswitches in the directional inputs.
Madcatz fightpad is too expensive.