Sure - was 20 dollars off amazon. This is the best quality pics I've gotten with it so far, bit hard to focus just right but 1000000 X easier than a hand held loupe that drives me nuts trying to hold it still close up to a bud. With this I just cut a small sample, bring it inside, set the cam over it and plug the usb into my mac. View the feed using an app store app called quick cam - or can even use photobooth but i think that degrades the video quality a bit
Note: with this usb scope, it might look like the trichs are clear on the outside, but it's more of a reflection / due to the white background and bright light. Notice how the trichomes in front of the actual green plant matter are cloudy - it's because the green contrasts, while the outside trics over the white look clear, they are almost certainly not so.
Link to product:
Yeah some people are way too impatient. Better be safe than sorry when it comes to readiness. I don't want immature bud.
I had the exact loupe youre talking about with the little white LED on it. It was hard to get it steady enough to make accurate predictions. Plus the focus wasnt that great and I couldn't adjust the zoom enough to my liking. Id rather see a sea of trichomes VS only a few. Once I got the USB version it made it much easier.
I used this:
I should note, I didn't really know how to use it when I took that picture, someone gave me a quick lesson so future photos will be much better.
in the top center of the first macro shot you can still see clear trichs. I would wait and in the mean time order a cheap usb microscope for like 15 bucks off amazon to get a better pic
I sold off my starter Safaris but kind of miss them... so... if I was in your shoes I would get a Lamy Vista with an EF nib!
Or a TWSBI eco...
Or maybe a 6 pack of Black'n'Red notebooks.
Or my 3 favorite Metropolitan Retro Pop colors...
Or that USB microscope Jon Szanto posted for nib alignment!!! XCSOURCE 20X-800X 8 LED USB 3D Digital Zoom Microscope Endoscope This is the microscope. For $18, its not top quality. The focal point is inside the clear plastic area, I had to shove the nug about 1/2 inch up inside it. I may take a hacksaw to it. But for the price, its rather amazing.
Cheap USB Micro...
Got it on amazon
I was using a cheap USB microscope for 10$
this one:
Disclaimer... the cable seems to be a bit picky
+1 for getting a good shot is hard ;) You need to get close as hell for these, and sub mm movement messes up the shots. So for those pictures, it easiest to cut off a tiny bit and look on a stable surface.
I'm sure theyre all the same shit, but i can vouch for this one for $20. I'll never go back to handheld analog loupes/scopes
Check this out. Pretty amazing for the price. I can vouch for it:
Seems like a few vendors have them, essentially the same item as this.
one of the raw images:
usb microscope: