The thumbsticks put a cap on just how precise you can be, and just how easily it is to maneuver your player character.
Sure there are console pros who would smash PC players on raw talent, but with an even amount of skill the tools provided by KB+M outclass a controller in almost everything except maybe flying.
Why else would the PS4 community look down on people who use devices such as the xim? Because it IS an advantage.
>I've seen people who rival those who play on PC
This is why they rival pc players, because they <em>are</em> pc players.
Throw insults though. That's so productive, you triggered little fuck.
You could theoretically, but you'd need to buy an adapter like this one, which'll cost you ~130$, so yeah, probably not worth it.
Hitbox or Stick seems to be the way to go if you're on PS but don't want to use a Dualshock.
Just plug a keyboard in and see if it works. If it doesn't, you'll have to get something like this:
There's cheaper ones than that, this is just the first one that came up in search.
This thing . It allows you to use a keyboard and mouse on a console. It doesn’t allow you to use all of the keys because you essentially have keybinds for controller buttons. E could be your x, 3 could be y, 4 could be a bumper, etc.
Not OP, but this is the XIM. It lets you use an Xbox One controller on PS4 or vice versa, or use a mouse & keyboard with either. I think you could also set your own custom button profiles for any of those.
> Plus, that leaves the door open for an endless wave of hacks that will spoof a controller input while using kb+m.
Got it from amazon:
No issues what so ever, just need to get the settings right and feels straight up PC for me. However you don't get same FPS on xbox, but that I'm used to.
People are using an XIM to get aim assist on keyboard and mouse. This has always been a thing but seem to have skyrocketed recently.
You'd need something like this
And $125 on amazon with prime shipping if you don’t want to wait for it from the xim store.
Official website:
XIM Apex on Amazon (US) :
XIM Community Post relating to what the differences are between XIM Apex & XIM 4:
Most keyboard and mouse are supported but here is a list of ones that work for sure: I wouldn't go out and buy a new keyboard and mouse if yours isn't on the list. If you decide to buy the XIM Apex or XIM 4 wait to see if it works. If not, go from there.
My honest review on the XIM is for me personally it was hard to find a configuration that worked well for me + what keyboard & mouse I had. But once you find that sweet configuration and set it up it's a really smooth experience. I think any issues you might have might come from your end of hardware. I really enjoyed the XIM for the time I had. I owned it for my PS4. I stopped playing a lot of FPS so I sold my XIM.
Shameless self promotion
Here is my short review and set up of my XIM Apex. It's not the best video but it's my first tutorial/set up video:
Hope my reply helps in some way big or small.
I know this thread is getting downvoted by plebes, and probably XIM users too, but here you can see a product for XIM with over 700 reviews on Amazon lol. There are plenty like it:
But please keep downvoting because you are ignorant as hell.
Possible, but it's up to the game developers to add support. Not sure Gerbox did (I would assume not)...
Edit: There are also hardware solutions, but they cost a fair amount.
This is the one people seem to like the most, though I don't use one since if I want M&K, I just play on my PC.
" wondering how those xbox players get the 20 kill badge? why Microsoft allows this is beyond me.
Xim Apex is what you need to play kB/m
And a good mouse like the g502
You can map all your buttons and it’s not cheating . Fortnite supports keyboard Ken Xbox and ps4 just plug in a normal Keyboard and see for your self . But you need the adapter to do it properly .
Almost 700 4 star reviews! The only people who act like this isn’t a problem are users of it.
I'm so tired of this argument. Xbox players can do the same shit PC players can when it comes to peripherals. You just have to spend money like we do. I honestly believe that most of these whiners are kids with no jobs, because they can't be bothered with a summer/part-time job since it will take away from their game-time.
You have options:
1) Get an xbone elite controller for about $150 USD and you can do the same, you can not only set sensitivity, but you can setup custom sensitivity "curves" using the xbox PC app. You can change controls/etc and it stays on the controller because of on-board memory. You can even have 2 different key layouts. Viola! now you can quick turn and do all that shit.
2) Get a xim adapter ($125) for xbone, and you can use Kb/Mouse all you want. Bonus: Pair it with an MX-ERGO PLUS and/or G903 (I have both on my desk, depending on the situation), A Ducky TKL (has on-board memmory, no software required)or a Orbweaver (no on-board mem)/Ducky Pocket (on-board mem) if a TKL is too many keys for you.
And no, you won't get banned for using a xim adapter, nobody has ever been banned for using them. Unless you're a career gamer and make your living by going tournament to tournament, then NOBODY CARES.
Do you think all PC players are on an even-keel? HELL NO. We play on systems ranging from the price of an xbone, to the price of a new mustang, some of us are sitting on boxes while others are sitting in 700$ ergonomic chairs designed to eliminate gaming fatigue. And we don't bitch about it.