XMark makes a Voodoo Bar, and it’s currently on amazon with great reviews.
XMark VOODOO Commercial 7' Olympic Bar, 1500 lb Weight Capacity, 28 MM Grip, OB86 (Black Manganese Shaft or Hard Chrome) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01I46FG46/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_JWeRAbKS457S4
Stalk amazon it pops up on there sometimes. The voodoo is up there now. Can’t speak to the voodoo, but I have a crowbar and I really like it.
well fuck it. ordered. now we will see if it ships in the next month.
EDIT and its got good reviews on amazon too
I looked at a couple of the packages and the individual items in that package on that site. It's a good deal for those products from that site. Meaning that the discount for buying it all together is pretty good vs buying it separately from them. So like somebody else said, if that's where you want to get the stuff, then it's definitely worth buying the package. I don't know anything about the quality of their brand to comment on that respect. But i'd recommend looking for reviews before pulling the trigger.
What you sacrifice with a package like that is the ability to pick and choose exactly what you want. Whether or not you'll save money or not depends on what you would pick and choose. Or maybe you're willing to pay a bit more for a good bar, but don't mind a chinese made rack and used weights.
I could definitely get the same items for the same price, and less if I wanted. But I could also spend much more.
For example:
Titan T2 rack = $319 (free shipping): http://www.titan.fitness/cages-and-racks/t-2-racks/titan-t-2-series-power-rack.html
Titan T3 rack which is a chinese knockoff of the Rogue R3 rack = $409 (free shipping): http://www.titan.fitness/cages-and-racks/t-3-racks/hd-power-rack.html
X-Mark Voodoo barbell = $190 (free shipping): https://www.amazon.com/XMark-Fitness-Commercial-Manganese-Phosphate/dp/B01I46FG46
Barbells can run anywhere from like $150 to $800. But there are a lot of options for under $300. Racks can be a few hundred or over $1000. But there are a handful of well reviewed option in the 250-500 range if you want to go that route.
Rep fitness flat bench = $139 (free shipping and qualifies for prime): https://www.amazon.com/Rep-Rated-Weight-Bench-Lifting/dp/B00NLPZGU0
The specific items I listed would run about $648 - 738 depending on which cage, but both are full cages where as I only see half racks on that site. If you want to stick with a half rack, then you could stay below $700 for those three main things. You'd still have to get plates. Steel plates can be found for about $0.50/lb used. Used bumper plates are tougher to come by, but you can find them for $1/lb. Less if you're lucky.
But say you wanted all Rogue or Elitefts equipment, you could easily spend much much more.
If you want a plyobox and wallball in the package, you'd be looking at the $1,499 or $1,999 package. $75 less on each if you opt for a bushing bar instead of bearing (and I suspect bushing is probably fine for you). So really $1424 and $1924 respectively. The stuff I listed would leave a lot of room for that sort of stuff.
If I were you, I'd decide on one of those packages. And then I'd look at the items in the package for costs from other places (do you even want all of the included items, or would you rather have something else instead of the rings?). BUT... that means you have to go through that trouble.
I've got an xmark Voodoo and I like it quite a bit. It's just under $200.
No center knurling on it though. Personally, I like center knurling, but it's not been an issue for me right now. Chalk will help. There are shirts that are made to grip a little better if you really want/need it. I do think center knurling helps, I just don't think it's entirely necessary with those numbers.
There are definitely a bigger inventory of decent bars in the $250-300 range though if you can go up.