I'm having good luck with this cover
My first bike so first cover so I don't exactly have any experience. But it seems to do what I need and was a good price. I bought it as a recommendation from one of Motojitsu's videos. I've only had it for 2 months so I can't speak for longevity. But it keeps the water off my bike.
I use this with mine fits well but it isn't the best quality cover as you could guess from the price. It will keep things dry tho. I hope it helps at least with giving some size idea. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0142IHKX0/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
20 bucks on amazon, the bottom clips through your wheel so it wont fall off. Been using for a while, only issue was when a hurricane came through and enough wind was able to topple it, but that's going to happen with almost any cover. https://www.amazon.com/XYZCTEM-Season-Waterproof-Motorcycle-Lockholes/dp/B0142IHKX0/ref=sr\_1\_4?\_encoding=UTF8&c=ts&dchild=1&keywords=Powersports+Vehicle+Covers&qid=1625066481&s=automotive&sr=1-4&ts\_id=404643011
at work i use this bad boy
I've tried many different covers over the past 35 years and am pretty impressed with this one:
It's only $20 and has lasted 3 years and still waterproof. I live in Miami so i can't say how it'll do with snow but for hot rainy climates has been great.
P.s. I have 6 of these covers for the bikes i keep in daily rotation, all of them have held up equally well.
When I first moved here all I had was my motorcycle and I never had trouble finding shaded parking. Even so, for 20 bucks you can get a cover. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0142IHKX0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_w9jozbS9EN956