Yaufey 1750 Sq. Ft Dehumidifiers for Home and Basements, with Drain Hose for Auto Drainage and Water Tank for Manual Drainage https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JCXKSX8/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5PM69CX742CFFSX72SF5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have first hand experience with that unit in a 4x4 I set it in the tent elevated so it can drain through a hose in the side door outside of the tent it works stellar
I'm sorry but your system isn't going to work with over 90% humidity outside? I mean, it's frickin cold where I live right now, so I wouldn't want my windows open anyway, but running an AC at comfort 60 may help.
The other options is heating the space, if it is, in fact, winter where you live. Running a heater and fan will help.
Otherwise, use Amazon and buy a dehumidifier. It's not a good scenario to have that much humidity in your home.
This one worked great for me, running outside the tent.