I love my bodyweight exercises. I just found out I will not be going back to the office, so trying to work on my home gym setup. If you have the space, Amazon also sells row bar attachments I really found I liked.
On mobile so not sure the link is live or not.
People wit T3 rack, what landmine attachment do you use?
Does this Landmine attachment from Amazon fit t3 rack?
Yes4All Deluxe T-Bar Row Platform – Full 360° Swivel & Easy to Install – Fits 1” Standard and 2” Olympic Bars https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_631S09WMT1XR7S9W5Q0K
I have this landmine slipped under my weight tree and it's never budged in the few years I've had it. If you have a flat footed rack, you may be able to put it under the rack without having to bolt it.
I bought this:
Unbolt/remove the base and attach 4 holes up from bottom on outside of rear upright. I have a T3 but this is nothing special about this working on the T3 vs other racks.
Why not get one that sits under the rack? I have the kind that sits inside of a plate, and then I use more plates to hold it down, but if it is secured under that rack would that not be more stable and use less plates to set up?
Ahh, well I do have a weight tree but it's not the best. What do you think about the yes for all land mine attachment?
This is the one I have:
Looks like they raised the price a few dollars unfortunately. But this is a solid landmine if you don’t mind that it can’t attach to the pins on a rack. It can still attach to the feet of a rack though, which is what I did. Movement of the landmine itself is nice and smooth.
Here’s a similar one that I have
Yes4All Deluxe T - Bar Row Platform - Full 360° Swivel & Easy to Install - Fits 1" Standard and 2” Olympic Bars - Great for Home Gym https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_O4QZFbT23KSQF
Looks similar to mine which is this:
Yes4All Deluxe T - Bar Row Platform - Full 360° Swivel & Easy to Install - Fits 1" Standard and 2” Olympic Bars - Great for Home Gym https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_O4QZFbT23KSQF
I have one like this that clamps one the bottom rail of my rack. Pretty unobtrusive but stable. You would need a rack where there is a slight space between the bottom rail and the floor.
Thoughts on a landmine attachment? I figure it doesn't have to be super pricey since its a relatively simple mechanism. I have a PR-1000 and was eyeing this: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01077P1W2/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER&psc=1
If you don’t have your heart set on the rep one, this works too.
Yes4All Deluxe T - Bar Row Platform - Full 360° Swivel & Easy to Install - Fits 1" Standard and 2” Olympic Bars - Great For Home Gym https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_sO7AFbAKGZ06X
If you don't want the end of your bar to get all beat up you can also get one of these... https://www.amazon.com/Yes4All-Deluxe-T-Bar-Row-Platform/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1491580398&sr=8-2&keywords=t+bar
but my bar is shitty and beat up anyway so I don't care and jam it in the corner.
I got this off amazon for 28 dollars. Seems fine so far.
Yes4All Deluxe T-Bar Row Platform – Full 360° Swivel & Easy to Install – Fits 1” Standard and 2” Olympic Bars https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6u0VCb9WZ869Q
Very cool but for around $33 with prime shipping, there are some landmines on Amazon that require far less work and time.
Yes4All T-Bar Row Platform
Does this attachment from Bolt Fitness fit the Titan T3 rack Landmine Attachment?
There is one from Yes4all Yes4All but hesitant to buy this because it goes under the rack, correct?
Besides a bench for bench press, you could add a landmine station, they're relatively inexpensive if you go with one like these: 1. T-Bar Row Platform
You could also consider extending your flooring out to fit your space more fully, not totally necessary to do this but stall mats work well and your can find those at tractor supply or similar store.
Not sure if it'll fit your rack, but this Yes4All landmine absolutely rocks for its price point and availability
yes4all attachment. i placed it on the back bottom support. working fine.
Could be the Amazon yes4all attachment
$30 Rack attachment fits RML Racks Yes4All Landmine attachment
T-2 Owner here - the yes4all one from amazon works pretty well for me too - lift one side and just slide it under the rail, then it clamps down.
Really good and cheap landmine, believe it is for 2x2 racks, but they have other setup in the images. $26.99 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01077P1W2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_QKazFb1RYX26X
I've got this on my PR1100 and its working great:
I've also got a couple sets of their JCups as well, but they're not on Amazon right now
This will fit your rack here