How people who drive expensive cars like BMWs can and usually do drive like absolute idiots. If I had a Beemer or similarly nice luxury vehicle I would be using my blinkers excessively for every turn, lane change, etc and parking in the back of every parking lot to avoid dents, scratches, and other damage. I get the reason why people will park in 2 or 4 spots but that’s still a dick move and it wouldn’t kill you to walk a bit further and take just one parking space.
I’m usually not one for petty revenge but the jerks who park in multiple spots with one car make me want to invest in cards like these.
You need some of these.
Parking like this is why I carry these with me at all times:
Grab a box of these on amazon. You will have noticeably less stress in your life.
I carry these cards in my glove box for just such an occasion.
That's why I got a deck of these.
Mostly I just give them out to friends as a conversation piece. I've only used one, and I was careful because the look of the vehicle suggested to me that the guy who parked it was probably the guy who was trapped in the elevator in St. Lucia earlier this month.
This would make this idiot aware that he is an idiot.