You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Dannu Morrigan
I was shocked at how accurately described my mom. It basically erased any suspicions of mine, and it confirmed that she was a covert narcissist. Almost 4 months NC, and while I have a lot of crap days, I feel much better. I just need to learn to stop ruminating so much.
You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers by Dannu Morrigan
I highly recommend reading it if you haven't. It actually opened my eyes and made me realise my Nmom was not just weird and controlling, she was actually a narcissist.
This one is about bordline personalit disorder, but also good.
This is a non apology. The word sorry appears multiple times so it tricks your brain but she flourished it all in a way to make her feel/look good. A proper apology would be "I'm sorry I did X it was wrong, I won't do it again, I will do X to make up for it"
Sending you much love, narcs are a pain, but if you take time to read up on them and their behaviour, you can arm and protect yourself with knowledge. This book helped me in tremendous amounts.