? That's weird. I bought Your Name off Amazon and I got the DVD with both English and Japanese. I was unaware they had DVDs for only one specific language. Here is a link that has both languages Your Name. [Blu-ray] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074R4KSTM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_8U5eEbVKK18QN
I'm fairly certain that most of these have options in the main menu to change between the dub and sub. It lists both the English and Japanese VA for the cast as well so it's probably safe to assume that it has both.
If you want to be really sure there's an amazon listing for the same price that has all the audio options listed.
Canada shares the same region code in both DVDs and Blu-rays with the United States, so I would say to purchase the Funimation version!
I'm not too familiar with most of the stores in Canada but Amazon over there sells the exact same version from the States!
Apparently it's true, there is a sale going on at Amazon, but I'm not sure if this is considered spam or not. Should I remove this post?
Favorite Movie: Your Name - This anime film is simply the best love story ever written. You'll be riveted from start to finish.
Wow, time flies, Welcome to the club! :) If you are not aware, the Blu Ray comes out in a few days if you are interested! https://www.amazon.com/Your-Name-Blu-ray-DVD-Combo/dp/B074R4KSTM/ref=pd_sim_74_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=FWJTFSXJM7ZWRTD096DF
It will be coming out on Bluray in the US on november 7th. comes with the amazing dub.
Buy it? Its like 20$ on Amazon for the DVD/BD pack.
Just hand them the blueray.
Your Name < That’s A Shame It definitely is worth the money though. You can buy it on Amazon for 18-60$
I bought mine off of Amazon! It includes the Japanese and English audio. Here's the link if you're interested: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074R4KSTM/ref=cm_sw_r_other_apa_i_H598EbRGXHH3F
The American theatrical release had both the Englsh sub and an official English dub. According to the Blu-ray listing here, the English dub is out in the wild.
Seems to just be a Canada thing, which is weird.
Amazon.ca link
Amazon.com link