Sprinkle that in the bottom of the panel. They walk through it and eat it to clean it off. They carry it back to their main nest if the panel isn't it. Others eat it cleaning up the nest. They die. Powder firm is safe in the panel. Doesn't take a whole lot to be effective.
1 tsp boric acid
9 tsp sugar
1 cup water
mix thoroughly, spread around in problem areas
should sort it out in a day or two.
It is cheap, cheap, cheap. And you just kind of lightly dust the area with it. It doesn't need to go down in large clumps. It should be in a container like this:
I appreciate the thorough feedback.
I have already put in a request for a "fix" with the new landlord so trying to fix this myself before asking him to get it done professionally - so will try the boric acid and ACV.
Not too expensive. I bought borax powder from Amazon for $11 (came with two big bottles). It's been working great and it is more than I'll need... hopefully.
Even after he treats, put some of this out
We had MILs house treated over and over, finally we used that stuff and got rid of them.
German cockroaches are like well under an inch in size. Palmetto bugs are...bigger. I'm a little confused which ones we're talking about but since German cockroaches are totally a thing up north, I assume it's like the one in your article. In which case no, what you are describing is way too many and is a health hazard. 5 years in my last apartment, only encountered 2 or 3.
FWIW, the best treatment I ever found (during an infestation when I was growing up) was the very fine boric acid powder. This stuff is super fine and comes in a puffer bottle that allows you to puff a cloud very fine dusting into cracks and crevices. IT IS CRITICAL TO GET ONLY A FINE DUSTING DOWN BECAUSE IF YOU PUT THE STUFF DOWN IN HEAPS THEY WILL JUST WALK AROUND IT INSTEAD OF THROUGH IT. YOU NEED THEM TO WALK THROUGH IT. THAT'S WHY YOU NEED TO USE A PUFFER.
We puffed this stuff into the cracks between the electrical outlets, under the sinks and drawers, etc. Was actually amazing how well it worked. That house never had a problem again.
Also, just FYI, it is possible that if what you are doing is working, you will actually see more of them for a short period of time. They act pretty wacky when they are dying and may be more likely to appear.