I recommend this book. It is a historical, but not biblical, look back at Jesus life.
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BRUQ7ZY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_7Y2XTZZCQCEV4G7S6Z7X
Remember that Jesus was poor and illiterate. Most of his original followers were also poor and illiterate. All we know of Jesus comes from Paul*, who never met him but wrote half the New Testament, and Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, who each wrote their versions with a specific audience in mind. AND the gospels have been revised to make them more cohesive. I honestly believe that Jesus was an extraordinary man. A man of his background made enough of a splash that he had to be killed. He must have been incredibly charismatic. However, I don’t believe that he had the foresight or resources to pull off the kind of scam that you’re suggesting against the religious leaders of his community and the actual Roman empire.
*Paul carefully crafted Christian doctrine to line up as much as possible with what we call the Old Testament. Paul had the background and education to do it. He is the true architect of Christianity as we know it today. He probably was sincere, but he’s the one who should be blamed for taking “love thy neighbor” and turning it into a global super weapon.
LOL no, not that Q.
I recommend Zealot. Well-written, impeccably researched, and the final nail in the Christian coffin I'd been building.
I'd point you to Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth.