40° or less I’ll preheat. I’ve got an oil pan heater and I’ll throw a buddy heater under the cowling, and one in the cabin for the avionics. Depends on how cold it is but my minimum is 2 hours.
Be careful which electric heater you get. These ones are more expensive but have a metal fan inside. I’ve heard horror stories of the cheap versions catching fire because the fan didn’t start inside the unit.
There are interior car heaters for just that purpose.
Zerostart 2600900 Interior Car Warmer Compact Plug-in Electric Portable Heater, 3,000 BTU | 120 Volts | 900 Watts https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B000NM73ZA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabc_1Jv1Fb40331MX?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
A block heater can be helpful too but is really only intended to keep the engine oil from getting too viscous and making it difficult for the engine to turn over. If you don’t have trouble starting your vehicle, then a block heater isn’t likely to be of significant benefit.
The freezing is coming from your own breathing. Breathing through your nose will help reduce this, as would wearing a mask.
Dunno which heatblowers you're talking about, but if you can fit one that plugs into AC power on a timer, they can pre-heat things quite a bit as long as long as you can make a quick entrance:
I think the idea is that you plug run an extension cord from your hose to a plug mounted in the front. Similar to the block heater. Im sure you could put them both on the same circuit
>all new Tesla's use heat pumps and not resistive heating
And at that point it was saying only the model Y had a heat pump.
So even if all new ones are equipped, that's so new most Teslas are unlikely to be equipped with it. And that's just talking one brand.
>Second, an ICE can only provide heat if the engine is warm. It will never be instant.
No, it'll provide heat when the Coolant is warm. Hence why coolant heaters exist. They warm both the engine and the coolant.
Also some cars, such as my own, have auxiliary heaters which are resistance heaters. Combined with the coolant heater. That's instant heat.
>If you want your cabin warm when you get in it there will be insanely more energy lost idling with gas and not going anywhere than running a heat pump.
Like, I could just buy a 120v resistance heater for the car as well.
That plus a timed plug will likely use less power than the EV charging.
>where and ICE can not.
An ICE can do literally anything. That's the cool thing about being able to work on a car. You can customize the fuck out of it.
>Thirdly, a 240v 20A circuit with a 240v 16A EVSE is not thousands of dollars
$510 for the charger alone.
Add in labor for an electrician. You're looking at at least $2000.
Oh look, up to 5k.
>Everything you claim is a gross misrepresentation or manipulation.
Yet I can source my claims.
You do not.