I bought a cheap one from amazon about 2 years ago. Used it almost every day to run stairs when i first got it. Now I use it about 2 times a month on average. It still holds well. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B002P60ZZC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_NDVXZSAQPR1APD2N5937?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
It will be hard to get that much weight in such a small pack without using water or weights, so perhaps you should just use a weighted pack/vest like ZFOsports 40LBs Adjustable Weighted Vest https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002P60ZZC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_wRVSDbSKGDVAF I have no experience with this product, but I’ve seen people hiking with similar vests for a workout.
I have this ZFOSports one. It's 40 lbs, and completely average in every way. Doesn't bounce too much, sits pretty low, but still delivers the pain. Pretty sure it was less expensive when I got it, but currently running for $45 + shipping.
As someone who has been doing Insanity for 6 months and is on his third cycle (phase 2 currently), I suggest getting this and sticking with Insanity. Just did Max Interval Circuit today, and holy fuck it was difficult.
Check it out. It makes the workouts harder, but the better the challenge, the better the results and overall feeling of accomplishment.
A backpack does not distribute weight evenly across your shoulders like a vest does. That's actually not a good replacement at all. I assume that might even give you lower back problems. Is it comfortable? For a vest, yeah, it is. It sometimes does make it a tad difficult to breathe if you strap it on too tight, but once I loosen it up some it's no problem at all.
This is the vest I use. Bought it off the same place, actually. Shipping is a killer, came out to $100 with shipping.
I got this one when it was on sale for ~$40. Seems to hold up well, the velcro is fine for anything but distance running, in which case you might want to actually use the fasteners, which are admittedly somewhat overcomplicated. Goes up to 40 lbs, and my roommate and I have both been very satisfied with our vests so far.
This one. It's not bulky at all, but it does take a few days to get used to.