It’s called “Zodiac: The Shocking True Story of the Hunt for the Nation's Most Elusive Serial Killer” and is written by Robert Graysmith, a cartoonist who was working for the San Francisco Chronicle during the crimes. It was one of the first books that compiled most of the information surrounding the case so it has always been very popular and is often one of the reasons people have become interested in the case. It has also garnered criticism because there are many inaccuracies in the book. Amateur sleuths who follow the case call it “the yellow book” because of its strikingly bright yellow color scheme.
Here’s a link to it on Amazon:
Zodiac: The Shocking True Story of the Hunt for the Nation's Most Elusive Serial Killer I strongly suggest this one. It’s the first one Robert Graysmith did compiling more first hand information than I’ve found in one place. Keep in mind departments were keeping info from eachother, he touched base and got some from most. Anyway, you won’t be able to put it down and I personally believe Leigh Allen is a strong candidate so zodiac unmasked might be good to read after.
My mom and I read it in the late 80's (I was in high school - she did NOT read it to me as a child :) )
The book Zodiac scared the crap out of me because it really happened and he wasn't caught.
One of my top three favorite David Fincher movies.
Random thoughts: The scene in the basement is one of the creepiest scenes I've ever seen. Pure mood and anxiety.
The short time-elapse of the building of the Trans-America tower might be one of my favorite uses of CGI ever.
This pre-dates Iron Man by one year, I wonder if RDJ conciously used any of the mannerisms for Paul Avery and held them over for Tony Stark? Obviously they were filmed close together. Or, is it just RDJ is a pure old school movie star, in the vein of Humphrey Bogart, and he just is the role, whatever that role is?
Speaking of Marvel casting, how great is Mark Ruffalo? He was the flat out star of this movie, no question. You know those threads /r/movies has, "So And So Deserves More Credit!", we need one of those threads for Mark Ruffalo.
This is one of the very few instances where the movie is better than the book.
Zodiac:The Shocking True Story of the Hunt for the Nation's Most Elusive Serial Killer by Robert Graysmith was my favourite one about the Zodiac Killer. [amazon link)[] I read the whole thing in less than 2 days
I tried reading The Most Dangerous Animal of All but idk what it was about it, i only made it half way through and just eh