I was thinking about mounting a license plate frame from the underside of the color-keyed painted bumper and having the plate go upwards toward the faux-grill area.
Something like this: Zone Tech Bumper License Plate Relocator - Premium Quality Classic Black Universal Fit Front Bumper License Plate Relocator Bracket Holder Bar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072BXMM2T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P9ESDXX7M10QVCDS4VCW?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I’d still have to drill but it’d be less invasive I think.
Thanks! I bought this bracket from Amazon, bent those two prongs 90 degrees, and sandwiched the grill between the bigger and smaller bracket. I didn't want to drill any holes so I went with this.
Zone Tech Bumper License Plate... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072BXMM2T?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Bend the bracket.
Then bend it to fit the car.
I can't think of any that I'd trust to hold at highway speeds without drilling, but I have built "hidden hole" mounts. Something like this; not recommending this one exactly, but it was first googlefu result showing the type:
The holes end up where you can't see them.
Not sure because I was thinking of just not putting anything on my grill.. do you think this would fit an rx8? https://www.amazon.ca/Zone-Tech-Bumper-License-Relocator/dp/B072BXMM2T/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=plate+relocator&qid=1599583568&sr=8-8