place it on the underside of the tub, place the little rubber nubs the should have came with the heater on the four corners on the underside of the tub. make sure its not on the ground or anywhere flammable. I say a thermostat is necessary to keep the snake from getting burned or melting the plastic. You can buy one here
This is the one I found and in the Q and A it said it was on/off. If there’s another you’re aware of, I’d love to know ! Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black
This one has been pretty sick.
I have it connected to a 100w ceramic bulb, but if you're putting it directly on the screen top a 60 would be fine. It keeps things at a nice 78-82.
Do not use the red bulb! It hurts their eyes. I made that mistake my first night with my leopard gecko too, so dont feel discouraged.
Your heat setup probably could use the heat thermostat control, you can set the temperature you want and the device will turn the heat on/off to maintain the temperature.
I have heard people say its okay as long as it doesn't dip below 65°F, I personally keep my leos tank at somewhere between 70-85 at night.
Hope this is helpful!
I'm definitely not an expert and I can't say for sure--but that difference in temperature is slightly more than I've had in the past. Normally 70 would be a bit concerning, but he would always have the option to go hang on the warmer side, which yeah, should definitely be the sleeping side. You could always try insulating the cooler side of the cage a little bit if you're worried.
Like I said, I don't know a lot, only from my limited experience with one hedgehog before my current one. But I really like the way I have mine set up so I thought I'd share--
I put two heat lamps over my guy's cage. The one over his sleeping area is plugged like normal into the wall and is always on. I bought a second (identical) one for the other side and plugged it into a thermostat thing (this specifically). I set the temp to 75, and now if the cooler side drops below 75 the second lamp will kick in. So it usually stays just a touch cooler than the warm side, but never to the point that I have to worry. And if the room gets too warm in the summer it just won't turn on at all. It was actually really easy to set up and I find I never worry about the temperature. Just glance at it every evening and it's always fine.
I'm sure you'll be ok either way but wanted to share! I hope everything goes great with your new baby!
Just had a look on Amazon and that one looks pretty good, also has good reviews and is a good price.
I wouldn't want night time to exceed 70ºF or so.
It's easiest to plug the CHE into a thermostat so that it will kick on and off as necessary.
My CHE is on this model thermostat and is set to come on only if it dips below 65ºF. I never have to think about it- it just comes on if need be and shuts off when it needs to.
Depends on a few factors but the tanks I have that used them before I ran 80w on a thermostat, the reason for a “dimmer” vs a “on off” type thermostat is two fold, 1 while they heat up faster than ceramic or regular lamps, they do take a little bit to get to operating temp, so they will cool off, then when needed take a little bit to get back to higher temps. 2 this flicker can wear out some bulb types faster.
A dimmer can be had for next to nothing Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black Here is a reptile branded one
Leviton TBL03-10E Tabletop Slide Control Lamp Dimmer, 300-Watt, Black
Just use a laser temp gun to check your temps and get them where you want them. Start out low and slowly move up till you get to where you want to be.
Item | Current | Lowest | Reviews |
Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Contr… | $31.62 | $31.62 | 4.6/5.0 |
Lutron Credenza Plug-In Dimmer for Halogen and In… | $12.34 | $12.34 | 4.5/5.0 |
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Thermometers can be something like this or this, just make sure its electronic with a probe and not the "analog" kind. However you will also want a thermo*stat* if you don't have one already. Options include Herpstat, the ExoTerra dimmable stat, or an on/off stat (such as this one) connected to a manual dimmer.
There are some good guides linked in the sidebar that will be a good read and might help with other questions you may have
Beautiful gecko btw :3
Zoo Med ReptiTemp RT-600 Digital Thermostat Controller, Black
That's the thermo I use. What morph is your guy?
I use these thermostats 1 for my che and 1 for my heat mat they work great they don't cause huge temp fluctuations only like 2 degrees. They are on and off and they work great. Che are cheap at petsmart or on Amazon just have 1 or 2 backup ones. They also have high and low alarms and high quality probes. My 100w CHE has been going strong for 8 months no problem.