Different is that this guy is not looking for a bargain basement wash and wax.
It is like pulling teeth getting my demographic to pay for a wax every 6 months. And forget about polishing... maybe if they just got attacked with a scouring pad.
I am used to clients that think my pricing is way too high but then tip me fat and tell me I could get away with charging a lot more for the results they are getting.
Back to this new client. He has seen the results, and wants full time perfect cars. Washed after every ride, cleaned inside after every ride. He is paying for the results, but also the availability of and dependability on my services.
He is going to become product specific, but based on results. He is particular, told me about his zymol wax... destiny glaze.
Zymol Destiny Glaze White Carnauba Wax https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000N46Z84/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_lHyfBbDVT98J8
Point is that he is willing to spend money on high end results. If I charge him even more than normal to cover my cost of not rushing through steps to maintain a full schedule all over town for everyone else, I get the impression he will pay it.
I do not want to rob the guy. Period. But I believe my work is worth far more than I currently charge, but simply can't get people to pull the trigger after the sticker shock of my actual prices. This guy would be willing to pay, because saving money is not his goal.