This is awesome, three new books for the Ordinariate in the last couple months of 2018? (First the CTS Missal, now this Gradual, and for Christmas the St Gregory Prayer Book.) Now the important do I order a copy?!
Edit: And the answer is Amazon. Now all I need is a shiny new Catholic BCP.
Haven't read it yet, but on my list to buy is Catholics of the Anglican Patrimony by Aidan Nichols
I can't believe I forgot about this when I was responding to you last night:
Morning and Evening Prayer and The 1928 Prayer Book Psalter: Concise Edition
It's the NA edition, but without the collects and the readings. You could definitely use this when praying with a community here.
God bless!
You can't go wrong with this pocket Cambridge edition of the 1662 BCP. Surprisingly excellent quality for the price!
I'll always recommend the 1662 BCP versus other editions if you only plan on owning one, just since it's the standard by which all others are judged. (That being said, avoid this "updated" version. Unless you only own modernized editions of Shakespeare too lol.)
There is a cheaper morning/evening office book (with psalter) by Walsingham Publishing that could be a nice solution for you. It has a full office, and is possibly close to what we can expect will be represented in the Commonwealth edition.
Or you could just rip/cut out the 39 articles from your 1662 BCP since they are heretical.
Before converting to Catholicism from Anglicanism, I would prayer the Anglican Rosary quite frequently. It helped, in many ways to my conversion, and helped me find the actual Rosary to be less threatening (from a Protestant perspective).
I still have the Anglican Rosary even after my conversion; however, I find it has too strange of a niche to really fit in my devotional life. It isn't as long as a rosary, but longer than my niner chaplet. There is not a specific devotion that really flourishes with it, so I tend to just bring it to the Catholic Rosary instead.
Depending on what you are praying on it, its efficacy is primarily in your hands. I have seen Episcopal groups online use it to pray to Pagan gods; hopefully its use isn't primarily in their hands.
I found this book to be a good resource from an Anglican perspective, and it assisted me in praying my first Angelus (doesn't appear to have any wonky prayers in it, all quite solid):\_1\_6?dchild=1&keywords=anglican+rosary&qid=1629757907&sr=8-6