Exactly! The Bluetooth on the car was tricky to start working with, but once settled in it does a good job too.
My city is notorious for car break ins. My previous car was broken into like 5 times in guarded parking lots, empty streets, in front of a hospital, and on my own street. Most of the times they didn’t even take anything (because I didn’t even have anything). They even left the like 50 cents I had in the ash tray.
Here’s the rewiring kit I used for my current cam if you’re interested
Dash Cam Hardwire Kit, Mini USB Hard Wire Kit Fuse for Dashcam, Plozoe 12V-30V to 5V Car Dash Camera Charger Power Cord, Gift 4 Fuse Tap Cable and Ins https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FXJD8W1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_xEDKvFqrnavaF
Sorry for the late reply! Here's mine: https://imgur.com/a/zZV77eb
I really like it. It hands down below the dash and does not interfere with visibility or the climate control vents. It took a bit to get the suction cup to stay initially, but once it did it hasn't come off at all (have had the mount about 7 months).
Here's the Amazon link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07YDC7BS9/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Mine were super cloudy. Sunday I just used a 3M headlight restore kit. You need your own drill. It took me over an hour for 1 headlight and it is painful on your arm. Not fun to do. The inside pointed corner has to be done by hand with the sanding pads as the drill pad wont fit. The drill fits everywhere else without hitting your paint.
But worked perfectly to make it look clear again like new.
It took 1 kit per headlight as I went over it a lot and used almost every pad. So you need to buy 2 kits.
I've got https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00V54LQO4/ but I've only got a regular iphone 11. Anything bigger, I think a charging cable would be an issue and it'd have to be sideways.
My apologies, https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08F9PF2Y5/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_V6YBK2JV0CC1RQMYNT3S Something similar to this, same concept.
And yes, true it does change. I am looking into programming this led strip to detect driving mode and display the right led color.
For a seat cover, I just bought one that is for dogs. It seems to be pretty waterproof. It’s a little stiff though so if you have a SO that might have to sit there often it might be the best but maybe to go under a baby seat it would be good. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B093SL2LNY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_CK1RXTGFJHZE7N47NMWN?psc=1
Granted it was like the ghost one I tried and it’s not made specific for the CT so maybe there are others that fit better, etc. I’d be interested if you find one that’s comfortable for people as those black seats can get sweaty down here in the south in summer. For floor mats and the cargo area, mine came with all the Lexus ones and they seem good enough to me. 🤷
Hahaha I made one of these too that could swivel (since having one that actually fits in our air vents is super rare), but it was a little low for eyesight. And then one really hot summer day it ended up melting down slightly lol (even with tints).
If you do end up wanting to switch, here’s the one I ended up using (includes “wireless” MagSafe charging:
Small sample size but i’ve been running these ZonCar LEDs with no issues for a few weeks now. Really nice white, no flickering and really easy to install
I have one of these CD slot mounts. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00V54LQO4/ it's a lot lower and you'll have to take your eyes completely off the road when looking at it. There's just barely enough clearance to mount it there.
But you won't be able to use the qi charger while you have the normal magnetic piece on the back. Unless you use a different case that allows it.
Looking good, man! I’m rocking a 2014 F Sport No-Navi at 120k miles. Good to hear 163k is still solid! How’s keeping that Navi screen and control mouse clean?
I suggest this floor mat. All it needed was a cut or punch out to grab the little notches in the front seats
FH Group F11306BLACK black All Weather Floor Mat, 3 Piece (Full Set Trimmable Heavy Duty) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01H4QP8Z4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_iYKvGdGPsUxMD
So HK 1000, AFE 500, I also looked at this for 300 Fit 2011-2014 Lexus CT200H 2.5 Inch Stainless Steel Catback Exhaust System 3 Inch Muffler Tip https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07JP67B7V/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_p0CVFbQENKASG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I had a similar problem where my ride height was too low causing my doors to open into and hit/scrape sidewalks. I initially tackled it with spring spacers, but they made the ride quality garbage because I stiffened my springs to the point I would rather hit sidewalks with my door then ride on that.
Something like this for front and rear is a nice middle ground, but is sort of a medium level difficulty job to install. Should be okay with watching plenty of YouTube videos first
Front strut spacers 30mm for Lexus CT200H 2010-present | NX200 2014-present | NX300H 2014-present | Lift Kit https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07CH2DKDV/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_fabt1_a5BVFbKFVYKYD
The most reliable and proper way to raise your car would be to replace the stock suspension springs with adjustable coil overs like the ones from Tien or BC racing, also a medium difficulty job.
An easy way to get a bit of height would be to get new tires with taller side walls. Softer tires would also absorb a more of the bumps, but you’ll get increases tilt and body roll. I’d recommend going from stock 215/45 R17 tires to either 215/50 R17 for a .4 inch up in height and guaranteed fit or 215/55 R17 for a .9 inch up in height but I’m not 100% it’ll fit in the wheel well at stock height. If you go with anything else that raises the height, adding to your tire wall height will be icing on the cake.
Get this stuff. A little goes a long way.
I attached a factory spoiler to my old xB with this stuff because I didn't want to drill the hatch. It was rock solid.
This is the one I use. I put the metal backing plate as high as I could on the phone (Samsung Note 9), and it works fine. I even used my iPad Pro 10.9" on there one time to see if I could and that even worked.
If you're looking for the refill for the rear wiper, I use: Toyota 85214-52060 for my 2012 CT.
I have this. And you can see a pic of it on my car here. I had it on all season last year and had no issues with any damage. It is a bit tricky getting 3 bikes on it, but it is generally just my son and I and two is pretty easy. I can also open the back with the rack on (not with bikes) which is nice. I just make certain everything is still tight when I pull the hatch back down. Hope this helps.