Who wrote that book, "The Emerging Democrat Majority"? Do you guys remember that? Demographic trends meant Democrats could do whatever they wanted because within a few years straight white males would all die off and there'd only be Democrats left.
>Now Judis, a senior editor at the New Republic, and Teixeira, a fellow at the Century Foundation and author of The Disappearing American Voter, argue that, if current demographic and political trends continue, a new realignment of political power is inevitable, this time sweeping Democrats to power. In support of their thesis they argue that the electorate is becoming increasingly diverse, with growing Asian, Hispanic and African-American populations-all groups that tend to vote Democratic. On the other hand, the number of white Americans, the voting population most likely to favor Republicans, remains static. Further, according to the authors, America's transition from an industrial to a postindustrial economy is also producing voters who trend strongly Democratic. Judis and Teixeira coin the word "ideopolis" for the geographic areas where the postindustrial economy thrives. They also argue that other changes, specifically the growing educated professional class and the continuing "gender gap," will benefit Democrats, whose political ideology is more consonant with the needs and beliefs of women and professionals. Judis and Teixeira predict that all these elements will converge by 2008, at the latest, when a new Democratic majority will emerge.
Everyone I don’t like is a Russian bot the book! This is the sequel to the book everyone knows and loves “everyone I don’t like is literally Hitler”
Relevant: Why Socialism Works https://www.amazon.com/dp/1521531218/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_5BNE4TY8PVAKC8E89WDG
From the reviews
>Please read if you are truly curious about the topic >Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2019 >This book has every single page that says ‘IT DOESN’T’. There is no further content in this book.
>I appreciate the humor behind this book, but if you are someone trying to learn or read on the topic. Please save yourself some ordering and returning time for this.
>Just my two cents. Thanks for the laughter and mild inconvenience.
Secular humanism will never have an authoritative text, because it's foundation is subjective morality, but they're fine producing texts to mislead I suppose.
They have "progressive Bibles" https://www.amazon.com/Womans-Bible-Classic-Feminist-Perspective/dp/048642491X. Both the Soviets and the CCP invented their own versions (the CCP version has Jesus stoning the woman caught in adultery). More modern humanist religious texts would include things like White Fragility, How to be Anti-racist, etc...
However, all of those will, in time also be deemed inappropriate because revolutions, like Saturn, eat their children.
Most of my life I was advocate for the more libertarian concept of a "value neutral" education. Just teach reading, writing, and arithmetic!
The problem is, none of it can be value neutral because the very mission of education as a concept depends upon values.
For instance, John Dewey believed "There is no God and there is no soul. Hence, there is no need for the props of traditional religion. With dogma and creed excluded, then immutable truth is dead and buried. There is no room for fixed and natural law or permanent moral absolutes."
An education which excludes the reality of absolute truth is necessarily not going to be any more value neutral even at teaching math, science, or reading than a Christian school.
As an aside, I believe the impact of that subjectiveness on science has been devastating.
Someone posted as link, but Reddit isn't showing it. I found this on Amazon: Y'all went from sheep to lab rats T-Shirt https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B093PFJFKF/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_5W6Q2RR2A7AVSGEKD2YM