Get a runners belt for your phone and wallet!! Lots of people get their shit stolen if its in your regular pockets.. put the runners belt under your shirt and flip it upside down do the zipper faces you. These aren’t the fellow racers stealing it this is people that came there to take advantage of people that are intoxicated and distracted.. it’s such a low thing to do but it’s very common.. other than that everyone is wonderful.. if you’re rolling or using any substances make sure you practice harm reduction.. test anything that you’re using with a reagent kit so you know it’s safe and measure out your doses don’t just guess the amounts... drink plenty of water it’s Best to just bring a camelpak so you don’t have to miss anyone’s set while getting more water.. it can get pretty hot so it helps to bring a fan but DO NOT “clack” your fan please that’s very obnoxious.. definitely DO fan other people though that look sweaty haha.. if you’re going with friends make a meeting spot so you can find eachother if you get split up.. most festivals your cell phone won’t work.. the calls and texts don’t go through cause there is too many people in one place… other than that my best advice is put your phone away and live in the moment!!.. dance your ass off, make new friends, get ready to have an amazing time!!!!
here’s a link for one a runners belt for less than $10 on Amazon
Dimok Running Belt Waist Pack - Water Resistant Runners Belt Fanny Pack for Hiking Fitness – Adjustable Running Pouch for Phones iPhone Android
Just as a follow up, I found a couple people in philly to get 20lb tanks from. They are anywhere from $250-$600. I decided to order whips from amazon since that is guaranteed and i was stressing about not being bale to find any while i was there. Heres the link: