Rate My Professors - Judy Wood
For Dr. Judy Wood, it came down to INTJ and ISTJ. I went with INTJ because I feel that she has an understanding of a broad range of things and she likely knows a lot more than what she may be permitted/allowed to teach say like at a public university. The comments at Rate My Professor appear to suggest that she may be unorganized and slow to grade exams and return them back to students so that may indicate her being a P-type but that doesn't signal her being an ISTJ either. An ISTJ is likely organized and won't "take forever" to return exams. This could possibly leave INTP, ISTP, and INTJ for I'm very confident she's IxTx for sure. For some reason, I cannot sense her being on the Ti-Fe/Fe-Ti Dynamic/Axis and I feel confident in her being on the Fi-Te/Te-Fi Dynamic/Axis which ultimately would leave INTJ. If memory serves me correctly, she might have said that she didn't have a family so I take that as assuming she doesn't have a husband or a child. It just seems to me that there's a bit of a deviation between her and the average person in that maybe she may feel like she can't relate to most people. Of course, I'm just guessing or assuming and I want to make that very clear. INTJ just screams very loud to me compared to INTP or ISTP.