Why in the hell are you spending TWO GRAND on a car?!? I am smart and financially responsible so I got this:
Little Tikes Cozy Coupe 30th Anniversary Car https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001NQHN7S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_hkzaCbVEB5H5E
This is more than enough car to get me to and from my 2 million dollar a year job. Plus there is enough room in the back for my weekly bag of lentils. There is no need to waste money on such a frivolous purchase. Sure a 1998 Toyota Corolla with 300,000 miles on it will get you to work, but at what cost? Use your brain or you will never FIRE. Stupid poor.
I don't have anything substantive to add to this conversation but wanted to somehow mention that I, too, make a lot of money. Also, one time my cousin asked me to loan him money and things didn't end well. Also, you should stop everything you're doing and read A Random Walk Down Wall Street.
/unjerk The Intelligent Investor gets a read ever 3-4 years for me just to reset myself.
/jerk Value Investing is dead man. Dead. It is a new paradigm where making money is not important for a company. Tech stocks only go up!
Buy this and save $14,504.91: http://www.amazon.com/Zenith-95-0527-4021-02-M530-Xtreme-Limited/dp/B001K3IXU0/ref=sr_1_5?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1424643648&sr=1-5&keywords=zenith
I bet if you bought a few and claimed your savings as income you'd have enough to qualify for a huge mortgage you couldn't afford!
I've been playing piano since I was 4 months old. I'm now 19. Steinways are great for a concert hall, not for a home, which is why you should invest on converting your home to a concert hall first. I've played every type of piano out there, including 1 of the 4 legendary grand pianos described across the abrahamic religions that are prophesized to bring about the end of times when they are all discovered. My unholy piano teacher had one and one is in Hitlers tomb, therefore priceless. The best thing I've found in terms of a baby-grand are is 15 dollars on Amazon but they are for literal babies and, if I'm being honest, buying one of these is kind of pathetic. I wouldn't even buy one as a baby because it's just a bad look really, and it really shows you don't know what you are doing. If you are looking for a "Baby Grand" and not a "Baby-Grand", then you also aren't serious about piano and everyone will think you are talking about your 5 key baby piano when you say you have one and they'll all assume you're a huge idiot behind your back. So, once you have converted your home to a concert hall, you will need to reinforce your floors and have your ceiling removed to allow the piano to be lowered via crane. Fire your wife if she won't comply
I would look for thorough due diligence from reliable sources before allocating capital to securities.
Two sources I rely on regularly are Graham's "The Intelligent Investor" and r/wallstreetbets.