Yeah, chances are you'll need to use a VPN (at least to download the game), best bet would probably be to use a trial for NordVPN for example. Have you checked if you're locked out on every platform? (checked Epic Games Launcher?)
I heard on Microsoft Store it may just be enough to change your store to US, perhaps you'll need to set your account to US too though (or create a new one for that), worth a try I guess.
You can have true randomness in computing but it requires something external to help generate (usually physical phenominons) it such as temperature fluctuations, lava lamps, etc... a quantum computer is not required for this kind of task. the lava lamp method in particular is used by Cloudflare servers.
OP is pretty unfortunate to get the same seed for prng though.
To keep it 100% straight with you
You're not going to be playing this game with integrated graphics
You are going to need a graphics card for this game and for that i bid you good luck
The only other option is getting something like Shadow and even then not sure if that would be your best option.
DS4Windows can make a ps4 controller act as an xbox controller.
Its really handy, you can also remap all of the buttons and stuff like that.
Make sure you have dual-channel memory. You can check this with a free and safe utility called CPU-Z. Download it, run it, and look in the top-right of the "Memory" tab where it says "Channel #". It should say Dual—if it doesn't, your integrated graphics are severely hamstrung.
Under softether VPN once you installed and everything is okay, open it and go to Virtual Adapter and select New Virtual Network Adapter once done click VPN Gate Public VPN Relay servers and sort out the countries by japan and choose the highest Line speed wait for it to connect and you are done.
Go with an AM4 build with at least something like: