I assumed he meant something like a starter set or core set deckbuilder's toolkit. But I also don't expect Jeph has played MtG in ages.
Chocolate coated caramel. Very chewy. Very good. Downright addictive, too. They were, and are, a staple in movie theaters in the US, though they’re overpriced, like the popcorn and drinks.
A bit off topic, but that last part of your comment reminded me of the first episode of the newer season of Kino's Journey, if only because the plot of that episode centers on a country in which murder isn't illegal.
Old forms of measurement were based on easily divisible numbers. You could do the math in your head of my segmenting a circle.
SI works in decimal, with can be harder to hold in your head as details increase. More importantly, every SI detail relates to any other somehow: