You can buy three three pack of eggs, water purifier, and food, or do what I did and buy these:
A warning though I barely put any in my tank and now I have an explosion of sea monkeys
Not sure if something like this would help with salt deposits, but at least have worked nicely to "brush off" when too much algae grows on the walls of my tanks.
Oh! I did not know that you could get USB pump with an air valve!
Looks like they show up under "adjustable usb tank air pump".
For example:
I think that your bubbles are a bit too strong. You need to get an air control valve to make the bubbles not so strong. They sell them pretty much everywhere aquarium supplies is sold. Here is a link to one on Amazon (I'm in the US, so if you are not, then this will just be an example so you can find your own). Also sorry for the ugly url, I am on mobile at the moment.
Forgot to mention, the water of most of my aquariums are over a year old. I never have changed it, I only have replaced evaporated water. And only recently I tried to dilute some of them. Replacing 50% (1/2) of the tank water with fresh water was a bad idea. About 10% of the adults died. Replacing 33% (1/3) worked better. But still, the ammonia level of those thanks stayed over 8 ppm. -_-.
This is the kit I used:
This is the right stuff. Instant Ocean is an aquarium salt that will give you the correct mineral & pH balance.
It’s 25 grams of salt per litre of distilled water.
Hi! I use Instant Ocean for my water.
My eggs are:
Yes, you can purchase freeze dried brine shrimp at just about any pet/fish store.
I feed the majority to my fish, as I always have baby guppy and Molly fry, that need to eat several times per day.
Live Brine Shrimp, that have just hatched, are always more nutritious than full grown adults, since they still have a yolk sac, which is why they are orange/yellow, immediately after they hatch.
However, I always add some, from each batch, to my Live Brine Shrimp tank, to let them grow out.
To answer your question, you can purchase Brine-Shrimp Eggs/Cysts relatively cheaply. I purchase mine from “Brine Shrimp Direct”, through Amazon.
In fact, I purchased one of these 8 oz jars, about a year ago and I haven’t even used 1/4 of the jar, as of yet.
Amazon - Brine Shrimp Direct - Brine Shrimp Eggs/Cysts - 8 oz:
I’m sure you can see how the companies that manufacture and sell Sea Monkey kits, make their money.
If you do include a filter, make sure it cannot suck them up, and that the flow is gentle. I have this mini sponge filter that I use for shrimp. It will probably work for them, but just keep in mind that baby brine shrimp are TINY, so you really don't want to suck them up with a bigger filter. In general though, no most people just use air stones.
They live in salt pools, so they need high salinity (they die in a freshwater aquarium), and have no need for plants. In fact, I would not do any plants because you do not want them to outcompete the algae that they will eat. A substrate and some rocks for decoration and for beneficial bacteria is always nice though.
People have kept generations of them for years in sea monkey kits so they really will withstand just about everything as long as you manage to grow some algae. Have fun!
This is less of an issue for bigger aquariums, but for smaller ones you could use a led light which does not emmit a lot of heat. For bigger ones this is not even an issue but for smaller ones that might overheat in direct sunlight very easily that is what I would personally go for. Sea Monkeys need algea to eat, which lucky for us is the easiest thing to grow in an aquarium (just go to any fish related sub and see how much trouble people have actually keeping it out lol).
Something like this could work.
According to the FAQ:
> Q. Do I need a light above the tank?
> A. No, but it does help a lot. Sunlight on a windowsill is ideal, but if you want to raise Sea-Monkeys away from a window, you will need a small lamp capable of growing algae. Sea-Monkey tanks are typically very small, so a cheap USB powered grow light (the pink/red/blue type) will be fine, ideally on a timer for roughly 8-16 hours a day. A small desk lamp should be fine too.
I hope that helped, good luck!
Those are sponge filters. They help with aeration, water flow/current, on top of filtering the water. I personally have only seen positive results, since I started using them.
You can pick up a 4-Pack on Amazon, for about $12.00.
I bought one of these and you can calibrate it (by buying 4ph and 7ph solutions).
Works well.
I did see a recommendation for this one and reviews specifically for use with Sea Monkeys! Even saw a Youtuber using it.
I'm down to one baby after today but there still seems to be some eggs at the bottom still so I'm crossing my fingers some warmth is all I need. If not... I did buy a refill pack to try again if I don't see anything after a couple weeks :)
Powdered spirulina, with no additives. I’ve been using it since about May and my monkey colony is big & healthy (4 gallon tank).
Here’s what I use: Spirulina Powder for Immune...
It’s a small aquarium light I set behind the tank pointing to the bottom and it lights the whole thing up and the red light in the back is a hue bloom accent light to light up my lego Ninjago destiny’s bounty ship on my shelf, here’s the light I got
I'm also in Canada. I use this heat mat (15 W version) to keep my tanks warm. It has a temperature dial and can fit 4 Sea Monkeys tanks on it. Got them through the winter no problem. Also get yourself a cheap aquarium themometer to keep an eye on the water temp.
Small Betta Fish Tank, Aquarium...
This one is just under .5 gallons.
AMOSIJOY Small Fish Tank with LED...
This one is just under 1 gallon.
I have both and really like the LED lights on them
I'm also in Canada, and a reptile under-tank heat mat is what got my Ocean-Zoo and Magic Castle tanks through the winter at a toasty 26 C. I use the 15 w version of this mat. As long as your heat mat has a way to control the temperature, it should be ok. If the mat you have got hot enough to melt plastic, I imagine it would also be hot enough to harm a reptile, with a layer of glass between them or not.
This submersible heater is also good, though unlike the mat it can only be used with one tank at a time. Mats are nice because you can usually fit a few tanks on them, in case your collection grows.
If you're using one of the small tank kits, you can get an under-tank heat mat meant for reptile tanks. I'm in Canada and use this 15 w one to heat my two tanks, and it's big enough to fit 4 tanks. It has a dial to manually control the temperature. Some heat mats come with thermostats and a temperature probe, some don't have any way to control the temperature but you can get a thermostat to plug it into. Make sure to get an aquarium thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature.
This submersible aquarium heater is also a good choice. It has a built-in thermostat, and you can set it to whatever temperature you'd like. I'd still get a thermometer just in case.
I've been stirring the tank for around a minute a day, along with blowing bubbles in the tank with one of thesewith one of these for a few minutes twice a day! I'm not sure if the way I do it is ideal though, I'm still learning
This aquarium heater is good if it's available on your local Amazon. I use a bigger one by the same company in my 2.5 gallon tank, and it's great. I'm in Canada and our temperatures can fluctuate unexpectedly, too. This heater has a thermostat on it, so you can set it to the temperature you want and it'll turn on and off as needed. I would also get an aquarium thermometer just to make sure that the temperature is right.
I've got this one from Amazon. I've connected it up to a 2mm rubber tube via a control valve, and it's working well so far. Took some glue and rigging to get it right, but worth it!
My house doesn't get very much natural sunlight at all, but this grow light has been doing pretty good so far for my 2.5 gallon tank. If you can put your tank in indirect sunlight that's a good option, but if not this grow light should help.
I've ordered from the offical site in the UK...not very good vlaue at all unless you are purchassing exldiding products for collection purposes. (I ordered the handbook amongst other bits and was literally just sent poorly printed/photcopied folded A4 printer paper pages with no binding, and sachets that were 16 years old lol).
Any natural sea-salt from a supermarket it fine, and just use at 35g per litre of bottled spring water (ar tap water after using an aquarium dechlorinator).
The BEST salt to get would be this stuff, or marine aquarium salt - but marine aquarium salt is normally only available in large amounts which costs more.
For the eggs, just get any Aremia cysts - the same thing and MUCH cheaper! This is an example on eBay, this is 100s of times more than a single sachet of Sea-Monkey eggs.
This is the Spirulina Powder that I buy which is £3.39 for 90g so a much better deal than the one you linked too. Reviewed by Artemia Daddy, which I view as a credible source
I agree with Hylian_Shieldmaiden, for the most part. However, if you are dead set on using that filter, I would, at the very least, purchase a sponge filter, to place over the openings on the intake, so that your shrimp don’t get sucked-up.
This is essentially what I do for my fish fry/babies.
If the intake is in a flat surface, you can purchase some square bio-filter media and cut them up, as required. I use zip-ties to securely attach them to the filter.
Aquarium Square Bio-Filter Media:
If the filter unit contains a cylindrical intake, you can find cylindrical bio-filter media, that you can simply slide over the intake and secure with a well placed zip-tie or two.
Aquarium Cylindrical Bio-Filter Media:
I hope this information is helpful :)
I have this 25W submersible heater in my 2.5 gallon tank. Works great so far (I've had it about 3 weeks or so now), and it has a thermostat so you can set what temperature you'd like to keep your water at.
I use this 15W heat mat under my Ocean-Zoo and Magic Castle. There's no thermostat, but it has a dial to manually adjust the temperature (you could probably buy a thermostat for it if you wanted). It's not perfect, but it does the job and got my tanks through a Canadian winter. It's big enough for 4 of the Sea Monkeys kit tanks.
If there's one thing Sea Monkeys don't like, it's sudden fluctuations in their water parameters. They do best in stable conditions, with any changes being made gradually, as sudden changes can send them into shock and kill them.
You have some heating options:
-An under-tank heat mat meant for reptile tanks is a great option, as they can usually fit more than one of the branded kit tanks on them. I'm in Canada and our house can get pretty chilly in the winter, and the heat mat I have can easily fit 4 tanks on it. Make sure you get one with either a dial or a thermostat (you can get a thermostat separately if the mat doesn't come with one), so that you can set the temperature. There are lots of heat mats out there.
-There's also a mini USB tank heater that's been gaining popularity with Sea Monkey keepers lately. I got the larger version of that heater for my 2.5 gallon Sea Monkey tank that I started 11 days ago, and so far I like it a lot.
They can do well in temperatures from 20-30 C, but 25-27 C is ideal for them.
This aquarium light was recommended to me on Amazon, so I decided to get it. So far, I really like the automatic 24-hour feature that started with sunrise, goes into daylight, and then gradually fades to blue sunset and darkness overnight. I'm using it with this one-gallon tank. I ended up getting a piece of clear polycarbonate to use as a lid. I left the white paper on one side of the plastic so that it would reduce the brightness of the light a bit. The monks seem happy!
Salinty wise, just above sea-water salinity is optimal to reduce which pathogens can grow they can live in gorw in bracking or marine water, and jave a higher hatch rate at lower salinties, but *brine is better for long term health).
I aim for 35 grams per litre, and use natural sea salt from a supermarket + a dash of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to raise the pH. Marine aquarium salt is the best as it contains many other minerals to raise pH/hardness, but it quite expensive for a small Sea-Monkey tank unless you buy a big bucket/box if it. Hobby Artemia Salt is the best if you can find it (contains phytoplanktin + other goodies) but is actually more expensive per gram and not needed.
You use a cheap aquarium hydrometer to measure the salinity, but it's not needed really - if in doubt just add more salt as they prefer it that way :).
Personally I don't like using heatpads long tem, but if you are ina cold climate and the tank doesnt geany warm sunlight, it may help. I would reccomend cheap USB powered ones, ideally with a thermostsat - but again this is kind of overkill. I have great success with room temerature and my cold Scottish windowsil Sea-Monkey tanks do fine in winter as long as they get some sun. It's just the babies are a bit more seneative to low temperatues and it slows gowth a lot.
Personally, I would use an air pump 24/7 or not at all, otherwise you lose a lot of the main benfits. Many people just use air pumps as a way of mixing the water for a short persiod of time once a day. This can be beneficial for many reasons but you would have much more benefits using the pump 24/7. Once again air pump 24/7 is pretty overkill for a small Sea-Monkey tank...there's no harm in giving your pets the best possible treatment however of course!
You'll need to make up a quantity of water with the same salinity and pH as your current tank. Fill the new tank up until you are 12 ounces shy of your desired height and then pour the old tank into the new.
You'll need to buy equipment to test salinity and pH. You'll likely spend about $30.
This is the refractometer I use to test salinity:
You'll need aquarium salt and something to modify the pH. I used Instant Ocean Reef Crystals and was surprised that I was able to hit the right pH and Salinity without having to add balance it with any aquarium salt.
Another method would be to buy more sea monkey sets and skip the measuring. You'd need one kit for each 12 ounces of water in your new tank. For example if you wanted to set up a 1 gallon aquarium with this method you'd need approx 9 additional sea monkey kits. At about 8-$10 a pop... That adds up quickly.
Anyhow I'm sure other people have other suggestions. Happy monkeying!
That looks so cool!
This is a great product for converting battery-powered things to electric:
What about blue spirulina? Think they could eat something like that?
I'm in Canada and I use a 15W under-tank heating mat meant for reptiles to heat 2 Sea Monkeys tanks, a DIY jam jar tank I started a week ago, and a gunk tank. I got it on Amazon for about $20 CAD, and it has a dial to manually control the temperature. It isn't the most amazing mat, but for a budget mat it does the job and can easily fit up to 4 official Sea Monkeys tanks. I have an aquarium thermometer in each of my official tanks and check the temp a few times a day.
This aquarium heater has been gaining popularity lately for Sea Monkeys, and if/when I ever do a custom DIY tank I'll likely get the larger version of it myself. Though the one drawback of it is that you'd have to buy one for each tank, so if you're heating multiple small kit tanks on a budget, a heat mat is probably the way to go.
I have the 15W version of this mat, though it was only $20 CAD when I bought it. It's big enough to fit 4 Sea Monkeys tanks on it. It has a dial to control the temperature manually, so you still need to keep an eye on the thermometer, but it keeps the temps pretty stable. It doesn't heat up quite evenly, the area close to where the cord is attached isn't as hot as the half of the mat furthest from the cord, but it still gets warm enough to keep tanks at a good temp. It's cheap and imperfect, but does the job if you're on a budget. If/when I need another heat mat, I'd probably go with a nicer one with a proper thermostat, maybe one of the Inkbird wifi ones, but for now this works.
So, it looks like you've got everything you need to run an air pump, except for the pump itself. You can pick one up just about anywhere, they're cheap at Walmart, but this one is my personal favourite because it's super quiet and small. I've never used it for sea monkeys, though (I am certainly no sea monkey expert).
Also, the valves you have there that have a black end and look like a little white nipple thing encased in plastic are called check valves, make sure you use them! They prevent water from siphoning backwards into the pump. It's unlikely to happen, but not impossible, so those little valves are always a must imo.
Probably Amazon, or a store that sells home decor like vases and stuff. I think I've even seen similar things in pet stores a couple times. Not sure where you're located, but I just searched "wine glass fish bowl" on US Amazon and found this that looks pretty close. Found similar items on AliExpress by searching for "giant wine glass". I'm in Canada and I occasionally see giant novelty wine glasses at places like HomeSense and Winners, sometimes even at secondhand shops.
BinChang Mini Air Pump for Fish Tank, Quiet Aquarium Air Pump 1 Watt Energy Saving with Accessories 1-15 Gallon
Here’s what I use in my little tank. I made some slight changes like poking holes in the tube and using a chip clip to help clamp it. That way the current isn’t too strong. You could also probably get some kind of pressure adjustment valve to reduce the airflow but I didn’t know what to get so I did it the less professional way haha. I try to keep the bubbles going around solid 3-4 streams. BinChang Mini Air Pump for Fish Tank, Quiet Aquarium Air Pump 1 Watt Energy Saving with Accessories 1-15 Gallon
>They probably need more light! I keep them near a sky light, but will move them to a window. It’s usually 68-70 in my place, sometimes I’ll put them in the bathroom overnight because it’s warmer there. I was considering getting a textile heating pad to put under
I just bought this usb led lamp which is very bright and my sea monkeys love it. it comes with a aquarium but its actually cheaper than buying the packets individually
BinChang Mini Air Pump for Fish Tank, Quiet Aquarium Air Pump 1 Watt Energy Saving with Accessories 1-15 Gallon
Small Betta Fish Tank, Aquarium...
This is the tank I got for mine. It's very small, too small for a Betta, but works good for sea monkeys. I measured 36 ounces of bottled water and used 3 packets of sea monkey water purifier and eggs. I also got a reptile heating mat with thermostat and a small 1 watt air pump and a digital thermometer. It's worked quite well for me and I like the LED lights on the top.
You can buy this aqua dragon kit for £6 on Amazon which includes the eggs and a plastic pipette to oxygenate your sea monkeys.
I have this heat mat, but when I bought it they had an option to choose a 15W mat that was also a little larger, the 15W version is the one I have. I liked that it was inexpensive, large enough for multiple tanks, and it has a knob to adjust the heat. But the one I got might be a little defective, because it's not as warm where the cord connects to the mat.
I'm using this cheapie floating thermometer in my Ocean-Zoo tank, and this digital thermometer in my Magic Castle tank. I have both tanks on the same heat mat, and the thermometers both read the same temperature, so I'm assuming they're reasonably accurate.
Sorry for the delay, everyone, had to get a scope done at the hospital this morning
Here's a link to the light, I got the one labelled "sunlight 2 heads." I was considering other lights, but I liked how little space these take up, and how they fit perfectly on the Magic Castle~
Thanks! I bought it a while back in Amazon. Here’s the link, but I believe it’s not available at the moment.
I have the Heat Mat for mine and they are doing well. Just make sure you order the mat and controller combo. The link you posted is only the controller. The combo can be found here..
Seconding the reptile under-tank heat mats. I'm in Canada and use this one (the larger, 15W one) to keep my tank warm, and a cheap aquarium thermometer to make sure the temperature is right. Your heat lamp could work if you keep it at a bit of a distance from the tank.
Would this be a good option or is it too strong for them hygger Quiet Mini Air Pump for Aquarium 1.5 Watt Oxygen Fish Air Pump for 1-15 Gallon Fish Tank with Accessories
Mini Aquarium Air Pump 5V USB Portable Oxygen Air Pump Energy Save Oxygen Pump with Air Stone,Silicone Tube Suction Cups
Example: Pawfly 40 GPH Aquarium Air Pump with Airline Tubing and Check Valve Accessories for 3 - 10 Gallon Small Fish Tank There are many other options you can easily find. Just make sure comes with air pump and the stone.
I can’t keep my sea monkeys near my window too long because they’ll get too cold also it’s winter so not so much sun.. this is an inexpensive plant grow light that will work for your sea monkeys!
Desk Clip LED Plant Grow
Thanks! I did make my own tank, mostly bought of amazon lol. The water pump/air stone that I'm using for this tank is this one!
The bubbles are coming out a little strange because there are rocks and objects ontop of the air stone.
I ALSO HIGHLY SUGGEST YOU BUY BIO BALL FILTERS. it will help so much I believe, as my current attempt which are thriving and growing extra fast have been doing great with them. I believe with this it actually prevents the problem of overfeeding to a degree, and helps prevent it. Have been mixing phyto and spirulina and haven't been getting overclouded bacteria killing my tank. Within a mere 1.5 weeks they are starting to look like adults!
this will come with a lot but its well worth it. You could maybe make it the floor for your tank lol. From my understanding they trap beneficial bacteria and help your tank cycle better. slows ammonia and nitrite buildup i think.
From what I've read, they tend to like their tank between 25-27 C or so. I'm in Canada and our house is generally a little chilly in the winter, so I got my Sea Monkeys a cheap little under-tank heat mat meant for reptiles to keep them comfortable without having to turn up the furnace.
Hard to tell from the photo if that's algae or poop, but I've heard it can take months for algae to show up, especially without enough light. It can be different colours sometimes. My tank is nearly 4 weeks old now, and I'm starting to get a tiny hint of algae on the bottom, but I can only see it when I aerate the tank and disturb the muck at the bottom. It's currently in a room that doesn't get enough light, and I keep a regular LED desk lamp turned on during the day. A plant light would be better, but this seems to be working at least a little for now.
The food actually has some extra eggs in it, so that's likely where the babies are coming from. There could possibly even be some unhatched eggs from packets 1 and 2 that just took a little longer to hatch.
Sea Monkeys do well roughly around 25-27 C or so, so heating is a good idea if you live in a colder area. Most of the in-tank heaters I saw online were too big to fit in a Sea Monkeys Ocean-Zoo tank, but if you're using a bigger tank I imagine it should be ok. However! You can get an under-tank heat mat meant for reptile tanks, and put your Sea Monkey tank on that, and a thermometer to go with it. I'm in Canada, so heating is a must for my Sea Monkeys. I have this thermometer and this heat mat (the 8.66" x 9.84" one), and they're doing a pretty good job for my babies so far :) I could easily fit 4 Ocean-Zoo tanks on that heat mat.
Thank you! So my tank is basically this glass jar that I managed to find at my local dollar shop, and I got my dad to make a little base for it. It holds 24 oz of water. The moss rock is a decoration I found at Pet Valu, and the driftwood is a real piece I found on the beach years ago, that I boiled, and let soak for a long time to remove any bacteria and tannins.
If you have a normal sized tank I think you’re going to need to balance out the salinity of the water. I’m not 100% knowledgeable on how to do that, but I’m sure other people on this sub can definitely help out. :)
Do you think this would be a better tank? Or is the one in my original post better?
Same again from Amazon I just searched strip thermometer. I had to cut them to fit on my tank I’m not sure how well they work but I think it does a decent job being on the outside of the tank for a novice like me.
RASHION Reptile Heat Mat - 5W/7W/14W/20W Reptile Heating Pad, Tank Warmer with Temperature Controller for Turtle, Tortoise, Snakes, Lizard, Gecko, Spider, Crawler (5W - 5.9”*5.5”)
ZEACCT Mini USB Fish Tank Oxygen Fish Tank Energy Saving Silent Kit Fish Tank Air Pump Aquarium Oxygen Pump for Aquarium Fish Tank Air Stone and Pump Kit
I’m based in the uk but there are loads of sellers for these on Amazon and eBay just search 5 watt heating pad and usb air pump
pretty sure seature's tank is a repurpose science toy! :)
I'm pretty sure seature's tank is just a repurposed science toy
If you mean the light in the back over my succulent terrarium, it’s just a 6500k CFL bulb.
These are the growth lights that I have been using for my tanks, i have found they work really well, i have been using them for around 8 months.
it this one? I found it on Amazon Treasure Ocean Aquarium
Hi laura,
this is my first time posting in this reddit, I got myself and niece one of these tanks from amazon:
their cool but you will need quite a few aaa batteries for them. The pump that comes with i wouldn't use as was informed they can get stuck. My niece has the bottom shelf held down with a few marbles.
Hope you find a home for them to thrive in :)
Snarf xxx
I’m glad you like it! 😊 I know that for one pack of water purifier you get with the kits you need 12oz of water. So basically, I found this exact glass jar at my local dollar shop, it holds about 24oz, so I just bought 2 kits from Amazon. Added in a decorative moss rock I found at a pet shop, and a piece of driftwood I had laying around (I boiled it and let it soak for a while to make sure it was safe), and voila!
Comes with the tank I got on Amazon!
you can get a bigger light/airstone too if you need!
Yeah absolutely! This is the one that I ended up getting. Low wattage, and comes with a thermostat. I have felt literally no heat come off the back of it, but it clearly seems to be working since my tank has been properly regulated lol.
One thing to note, the probe on that thermostat is NOT waterproof. I ended up having to wrap it in heat-shrink tubing and sealed both ends (the end of the probe and a bit past the probe into the wire) to prevent any water from getting in. There are definitely waterproof thermostats on the market that are meant for aquariums, so you may want to look into getting a separate product instead of the bundled one I linked to.
I use something very similar to this: Amazon link that I managed to find at my local dollar store. My stepdad made a little wooden base for it. Look around jar isles at grocery stores or craft stores. They usually have neat little storage jars that are the perfect size. :)
yeah I got this one
I hope none get stuck under but I think it should be okay because the gravel I'm using should be light enough for them to push it off and I think the gravel is levelled enough that it shouldn't pose a threat.
You'll need to either buy more packets from the sea monkey store or if you really want to grow the population or move them to a larger tank I recommend this
Because I live in a half-based, I needed a reliable source of light.
I got a "sun like" color light LED Fullspectrum Grow Lamp with a timer that I have set to cycle of 12 hours.
I got this thing and some eggs. I have no idea how it works, but the hatch rate is bonkers!
Not sponsored, but a happy customer. :D
How hot are we saying here? I'm not familiar with western areas with 4 seasons but if anything you would like to purchase to help then it will be heater mats during cold days while other hot days just keeping the lid open in a windy ceiling fan room. (Don't forget to top up the evaporated water!)
Lamps are unnecessary. They don't really heat the tanks well. The only purpose is to grow algae and to give a nice tank illumination.
Any table lamps is fine. You can get grow lamps anywhere in Amazon. Usually they emit a purple glow since they are calibrated for max plant growth. If you like a mix of both then any aquarium light will also work.
What about filtration? My tank is 2 or 3 gallons and I feel like partial water changes aren’t cutting it. I want to try a sponge bio filter:
AQUANEAT Aquarium Bio Sponge Filter up to 60 Gal Breeding Fry Betta Shrimp Fish Tank
This is 10000% overkill for a small setup but an example
This on the other hand is probably about the right scale. I can't say for the quality of those as I haven't tested any myself.
You can get something like this and just leave the lid off but it’s optional obviously That’s it from the uk but it’ll be available elsewhere if that’s where you live
Welp, at last I got the Active Carbon Water Filter Cubes. That I will use to try to remove the "mustard" color from the water of one of my tanks.
As I was going to put the cube it, I discovered that the first time I measure the opening of the Exec Suite tank was wrong. It is 4", not 4 1/2".
I was wondering why UPS sent me a text asking if I wanted the delivery upgraded to UPS ground, that I ignored. Then I realized, looks like UPS has a cheaper alternative for other countries, that they receive it, but then ship it through USPS. 😄
It came from China, and took over 3 weeks.
These are my first comments...
- No instructions included
- I was expecting for them to be flexible. They are not. They are hard and crumbly. (That might be a good thing, if you want to try smaller tanks, but I do not recommend it).
- I was barely able to fit it, fortunately it crumbled enough when I push it down.
- It takes most of the center of the Exec Suite tank.
- No way it can fit as-is in a typical Sea Monkeys tank of 12 oz (450 ml) or even the 16 oz (470 ml) Ocean Volcano tank.
- Since I read from another source that the water needs to move through the holes to be affective, I increased the air flow of the air stone to see if that helps.
- This was designed for fish, not for Brine Shrimps. If the babies fit through the holes, I suspect they will not survive the experience, since supposedly that is how algae and organic material "gets removed".
- From other sources, they claim that water will clear in days, so I will give it at most a couple of weeks, unless I see is harming the colony.
I will report on the results at that time.
At least I got the Carbon Activated Water Filtering cubes. But I do not know how safe these cubes are for Brine Shrimps (Sea Monkeys) yet.
In a moment I will be doing a separate posting with my initial thoughts.
I put the cube into the tank over two hours ago, and I believe it already is clearing the "mustard" color from the water.
In the next few days I will be checking how well the colony will be doing while the cube is in place.
I'm going through this myself right now. I think I'm up to 6 casualties. The two biggest issues for me have been: one, I wasn't feeding them enough. Do your survivors have a dark line going down their bodies or do they look white/clear? If they look white/clear, you need to increase how often you're feeding them. I think 4 of mine starved :(
The other thing has been salinity. I ordered Plasma III for the same reason. asencio781 gave me some really good instructions on using Plasma III daily for nine days to improve the health of the colony. I also bought a refractometer so I can chart the salinity and make sure it doesn't increase too quickly. Higher salinity should protect from bacteria. I had at least 1 die from that. The 6th one I don't know what happened.
Mine are also producing so many babies, I think a lot of those are also dying off because there's always only 5-9 adults. I'm planning to move to a bigger tank because I wonder if the current tank (the Mars tank is smaller than the regular sea monkey tanks) is engaging an instinctive "population control" that keeps too many of them from reaching maturity.
One of these: (also available on amazon for a higher price)
Cut the line into 2 parts and then close one side of the valve and barely open the other side. Make sure you thoroughly rinse the stone and the hose going into the water before putting them in the tank as they may have chemicals you don't want getting in the tank. You should end up with a small stream of bubbles that don't overwhelm them. If you do the stream of air right they'll start using that instead of coming up to the surface constantly. They also seem to like light so get a desk lamp or something if they're not near a window. Had a lot better results since I added the 24/7 pump. Also watch their digestive tracts. They should be black, if they start looking paler you're probably not feeding them enough. OTOH only feed them when the water clears up.