I second not using a hobby knife to sculpt fur. A wet tooth pick will work, but I really would recommend getting a basic sculpting set these are what I use and I'm quite happy with them.
Also to practice you can totally use some blue-tac (or whatever you call it) to play around with some different textures without having a time limit or worrying about not liking your end product. It's sticky like fresh green stuff is, and it's also reusable! It's also great for when you want to pose a model for kitbashing.
Thanks! My process is: 1. Golden Crackle Paste (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B002646MT6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_EV3FEB670D8JQT4BVCBH) 2. Aethermatic Blue 3. Dry brush Praxeti White 4. Valhallan blizzard
I have a huge magnifying glass too...
Looks like this one
I had good luck with 99% isopropyl alcohol, soak for 45 minutes, scrub down with a toothbrush (your ex’s for bonus spite points) and then rinse in water. It will eat through super glue as previously stated by someone on the thread but it should leave plastic and metal models in good shape and I had better luck with that than LA’s
Amazon Brand - Solimo 99%... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07J62C1K5?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I don't think it's this exact model but it's about the same https://www.amazon.ca/Emart-Photography-Portable-Studio-Shooting/dp/B07922MDPG/ref=sr\_1\_3\_sspa?crid=C3V0SIPPE59P&keywords=lightbox%2Bphotography&qid=1643722167&sprefix=lightbox%2Caps%2C613&sr=8-3-spons&smid=A2IXKAD5ED4Q12&am...
IF the standard storm shields are getting changed to +1 sv characteristic, GW may have made a mistake, brothers. In short, all terminators are now 2++
Here is a little explanation I found on competitive 40k FB, it explains nicely the new rules and how the +1 to SV CHARACTERISTIC is broken :D
Expect it to get FAQ'd soon (at least I hope it will)
Here is what I was actually working on last night: https://codeshare.io/a3Mmrz
I was toying with the idea of using the Ambush stratagem on a baneblade chasis to make sure it survives first turn of shooting.. (cant take sponsoons, otherwise it is over the size limit)
without baneblade though its 1525 points
Im in the uk, but im sure you may be able to find it at a craft store or even amazon.
Yeah, if i do that i just make a ball of it and stick it where the legs would go, then i can stick it to the top of a paint brush!
Thats a link for amazon, not sure if they ship to US though, but thats what it looks like.
Hope it works for you!
I have bought these two sets from Amazon:
I've found that the smallest size are a good size for magnetisize arms on infantry. The larger ones are more appropriate for vehicles and the like.
u/valar12 pointed you at the right product. I like the the “dark brown” for my space wolves. A lot of tutorials/you tubers do things like gloss varnish first so it really runs into the crevices. Definitely experiment, I prefer it without the varnish applied directly over the acrylic paint. It gives a wider gradient like you’ve achieved here.
Also, keep some odorless mineral spirits on hand and some makeup applicators like these https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T481RY9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_Kf65FbTCGGM2N for cleanup. The panel liner is oil based so you can manipulate it and clean up areas even after it dries using just a tiny bit of mineral spirits. Make sure you have a reasonably well ventilated area though. Even though it doesn’t really smell the vapors still aren’t great long term.
Something like an fine liner pen
I would tread carefully and maybe use a test model. If it doesnt work out i dont think it would be easly reversed
Well you want enough colours do make the model look good. If you paint my your minis in just one solid colour they will look flat. Don't buy the individual paints are that's when they are most expensive. Buy a paint set and maybe one or two Extra. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/40k-Paint-and-Tool-Set-EN-ES-2020 this set here is a good place to start. It has everything you need and anything else can be mixed. I personally don't really use gw paints because of how expensive they are and the pots are not great. I bought this kit myself when I got back into the hobby https://www.amazon.co.uk/Miniature-Painting-Wargamer-Regiment-Miniatures/dp/B01MTXRUUT/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=army+painter+set&qid=1598602635&sr=8-3 and have only used about a third of it.
In terms of actual painting you generally want a base coat and layer of colour of your paint armour. Depending on what colour that is you may need a few. E.g if you want blue then you can primer of blue and maybe a layer and highlight for blue. But you also want your other primary colours. Then you want your blacks and whites for mixing and a brown. You also want a skin colour for faces. Then a metallic for weapons and stuff. A gold metallic is good for popping icons and crests. You can get away with not using a wash and just really watering down a dark colour mix but washes are really good. The bare minimum to paint something that looks decent you need about 10 colours and in the UK at 4.75 per colour that's nearly £50.
They look a bit like Lemax trees! I was walking on a christmas market and there was a whole village set-up on a table. There is some interesting stuff in these sets. working gas lanterns anyone? or a brick road?
I think the sizing is pretty good for warhammer. Probably after christmas a lot of that stuff goes into discount, gonna try to buy some stuff then