I appreciate the attempt to help and the feedback, spas...truly I do.
But I don't know what any of it means...or how to apply it?
For example....
I purchased what is supposedly a good monitor for photo editing. Also bought a ColorMunki. I thought the ColorMunki's job was to correctly calibrate the color on my monitor, right?
So then folks come along, and start spewing CMYK/RGB/Adobe/Profile this/Sauration that/Gamma the other and I have no idea what any of it means, except that apparently I fucked something up.
But I don't understand why. I bought a good monitor, I bought a tool that's supposed to calibrate it correctly. What else do I do?
> You're a numbery kinda guy, why don't you rely on the numbers more?
Because I don't know how. I mean...yeah, i know what to click or point at or type to get some number. For example, I know what you mean by "I eyedroppered it" and how to do that. But I don't get what it's telling me.
> I eyedroppered the core of your galaxy with a 5x5 sample, it has cymk % values of 1, 12, 1, 0 (12% magenta!) The same sample on the version I sent you has a reading of 2, 3, 7, 0 (light buttery goodness).
I have no idea what a cmyk is, or why your numbers are better. Again...yes, i know what the acronym stands for...and I know what those colors are...but I haven't a clue why any of that matters, or why one set of values is better, or how to look at something and tell this number better than that.
> it's a shame that the processing is causing you such consternation.
I've never ever been able to explain..to anyone...how much I do not get this stuff. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your patience...and how frustrating it is to be utterly incapable of putting the benefit of it into practice. :)