Hey, I am also diagnosed with ASD + inattentive ADD, and am also a first time buyer in the UK! I have an offer put in, arrangements made and am currently at a waiting stage.
One thing that is really helping me is a book called House to Buy a House (by Phil & Kirstie). It lays everything out really simply and is helping me stay on track, plus is filled with tips and email/letter templates etc.
Not sure which stage you are at but I did find the search the hardest part, in terms of the social aspect, phone calls, quick decisions etc. There isn't a lot on the market at all at the moment, which does help in a way because it leaves fewer options for decisions but is obviously really difficult too. I usually take a loooooong time to make decisions but there is no opportunity for that here.
Like you, I did flit away from it on and off over the past year, when it got too much. Then I finally found something at the right time. I've also enlisted help from someone who is willing to speak on my behalf for certain phone calls, not sure if that is something you can arrange?
Feel free to DM me if you want to talk to someone in a similar position.
Amazon tells me I bought this when my older son was ten. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Asperkids-Secret-Book-Social-Rules/dp/1849059152
He found it helpful and funny. As did we. And, erm, rather revealing about his parents.
This first story isn't the example it seems. I've read the biograpy and if I'm recalling things correctly she didn't receive the Autism diagnosis until after she left the country.
So this is actually a warning of the possible mistreatment by adult psychiatry if undiagnosed or misdiagnosed.
and that thing over on r/aspergers - This isn't actually anything to do with the diagnosis either and the daughter doesn't have this status. As I said in that thread, if she's got the mental capacity to get married, this is unlikely.