The word "grosbeak", first applied in the late 1670s, is a partial translation of the French grosbec, where gros means "large" and bec means "beak".
Usually when you're stumped about the origin of some word, google 'X etymology', e.g. 'grosbeak etymology'. You'll get something like An etymology of a word is the origin of the meaning of a word.
It’s some kind of finch, a youngster, just out of the nest. The white at the beak and the short tail tells me that. I think it’s a Java Finch or Java sparrow - motion detector with a sprinkler. amazon link
It is so beautiful with a long tail like this bird:
Agree about the cage size! The one linked is a good starter size, and is the SMALLEST that I would reccomend. Bigger is always better, but as stated, watch the bar spacing!
You should! They're especially handy here in Florida since there are so many unwanted critters that a little bit of spilled bird seed can attract.
Planting a garden where birds can find the things they need (food, water and shelter) is the best way to get birds to come to your garden. Here's a book on the subject: There are a lot of good books on the subject at your local library, too.
A bird bath next to a large shrub for protection is a big hit in my garden.