Look into Simple Pickup's Project Go. RSDTyler on Youtube has some valuable information when it comes to self determination, but I feel that their methods don't teach you to interact with women that is congruent to your personality.
Also, you should read Models by Mark Manson and How to be a 3% Man by Coach Corey Wayne, also avoid TRP like the plauge.
No idea. But I will say don't give up. Quit the acting class if you aren't learning anything or having fun. My advice would be to hang out with dudes. Make guy friends and do guy shit. Play football, coach your nephews little league, train at a boxing or mma gym, join a DnD group, beer league hockey, darts whatever.
Like Homer told Bart "A watched car never crashes" leave it alone and come back to it later. Maybe you need to grow a teensy bit more idk. Build a boat or some other manly ass shit. Also read No More Mr.Niceguy and Models by Mark Manson if you haven't. I don't know you at all so take my advice with all the salt you need.
And PM me if you need to rant to somebody. I know I'm not much but we can be buddies.
Models by Mark Manson.
No More Mr. Nice Guy by ( edit Robert Glover)
Other than that iit's basic dating advice. Work out, look nice, don't be clingy.
My personal never failed me yet advice. Get a cool car (motorcycles are cheaper and get you more chicks), and learn to play guitar (puss magnet. no pua bs required). Try a martial art.
Men are not as disadvantaged as they say but they like playing the victim. I hate victims. Fuck those pussies.
We probably won't be able to do this over the internet. If you're wierd in a certain way oh let's say you talk like Christopher. ........Walken. but you don't realize this is wierd because you yourself don't know you sound funny to everyone else.
But don't despair. Because Chris Walken gets women and makes meaningful connections even if he talks a little off beat. Why because C Dubs is cool, confident.
Which brings me to my one size fits all advice.
Read the book Models by Mark Manson.
Find a thing you are passionate about and be and do that thing.
Workout and if your up to it make the workout a Martial Art I would recommend Boxing, Kickboxing, MMA, Judo, BJJ, Wrestling or any Martial Art that involves active resistance from your tdaining partner. (Google "Aliveness Matt Thornton")
Started this in june last year and just compiled where I'm at right now. https://vimeo.com/83191450
It really is amazing how this boosted my life in every aspect. Met my very first girlfriend in the last few weeks :) (Age 22)
I'm kind of doing something similar. You may want to take a look at How to be a 3% Man. If your aim is to eventually go into long term relationships, it may help you. It's helped me get a really good grasp on my Neediness issues. Good luck!
I was deep into r/seduction on my other account. I found there were some useful concepts and some concepts that were absolute bullshit to me. One of my favorite books I read there was Models by Mark Manson, since his book focused on authentic approaches being yourself, not memorizing these shitty PUA pickup lines like negging.
> i know im depressed, though there's not much i can do about that.
Poppycock. I'll spare you the lost time of figuring this out on your own, but nothing external will cure your depression. Only your mind has that power. Do yourself a favour and take up mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness in Plain English is invaluable for this purpose. It's impossible to overstate its importance.
If finances allow, take a 2-week vacation and explore someplace radically different from your usual surroundings. And I don't mean wasting your time sipping overpriced piña coladas at some generic resort. Always be in motion. Spend one day exploring west Paris and the next in Toulouse. Maintain a constant variation in external stimuli. If you don't feel better at the end of those two weeks, I'll eat my own hat (spoiler: my hat is a sombrero made of dolphin smegma).
No bullshit pep-talks. No discursive analysis of your psyche. You need to act and act passionately.
Thanks for the recommendation. When I have the money, I'll consider making a purchase. I'll recommend How to be a 3% Man. You can read the book for free and it's a treasure trove of information and it is also based on building natural skill rather than using canned lines.
First, definitely learn how to be happy for others that are successful, then look to emulate them. Bitterness and negativity won't get you anywhere.
No More Mr Nice is often recommended. I recently started reading Models by Mark Manson, and it's another good read. It's not a typical PUA book either, it's about learning about yourself, becoming confident, and other life advice
Models by Mark Manson has a step-by-step guide at the end for things you can do in various levels in order to improve your attraction skills.
Also another Mindful Attraction Plan is basically what it says, it provides various options for ways to be and appear more attractive although it's not exactly easy.
Ok so you're moving and gaining confidence and giving yourself opportunities to be social with possible run buddies, sparring partners or gymbros. A good start but let's go further.
Next let's learn stuff. Really this could be anything a new language, cooking, math, building stuff with your hands. And clicking on TIL doesn't count. Developing a skill. Building stuff with your hands, fixing things, learning new stuff is all very rewarding.
Next up friends. Find people with mutual interest and talk to them about shit. We really could go on with this subject for a while so I'm going to cut this one short and just give you this bit of advice. If you want something give it away first.
Want a smile? Smile at people. Want a buddy to text funny memes to? Well fire the first shot. Listen to peoples shit and they might listen to yours. you might not get back what you give. That's a chance we got to take though be brave.
Wimenz. Models by Mark Manson.
Google search "Learned Optimism pdf"
Download said pdf
3/4ths of the book, by Martin Seligman who pioneered research on learned helplessness and later the push for positive psychology, discusses the pros and cons of optimism and pessimism and how they relate to learned helplessness and depression.
The last 1/4th of the book discusses how to change from a pessimistic mindset to an optimistic one, and though I found it rather underwhelming I suppose my expectation was to find some sort of grand panacea that does not exist in reality.
It comes down to the habits of thought, the habits you use with your internal monologue to explain events and the beliefs and worldviews that form out it and how that affects your perception of the world and willingness to participate in it as a result.
I've only recently started to improve myself, but I can tell you my plan. Keep in mind, first of all I'm trying to gain friends and only then perhaps a girlfriend. From what I've read, being successful and pleased with yourself is a big turn on for women, so I'm working on that first.
There are two sides of what I'm trying to do. First of all, home research. I'm currently reading How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. Next book will be Models by Mark Manson. Besides this, plenty of threads from /r/seduction say the same thing: a successful life makes a man attractive. This is why I began studying more seriously and am trying to make plans for the future. Also, I think meditation would help a lot. Follow this link for a quick guide.
The second part is actually going out and applying what I've learned. I'm trying to talk to anyone using Carnegie's lesson. Compliments, a genuine smile and a curios mindset make most strangers react positively. I also try to be optimistic in my conversation. Instead of saying something like: 'I'm going to visit Germany for 3 weeks this summer and I have huge problems with the language', I phrase it like this: 'I'm going to Germany for 3 weeks and I'm very excited to discover new places'. May not seem like much, but I noticed a lot of what I say is negative and I really need to change this.
You could try browsing /r/seduction and /r/socialskills more often for motivation and extra tips.
I already know some of those youtube channels by heart. Simple pickup and RSD Tyler are fucking amazing ppl. Seriously I love them.
I'm also reading Models by Mark Manson at the moment.
But you have to understand, thinking of myself is a catch is fucking impossible. 23 year old, experienceless to the point of being KISSLESS for fucks sakes (seriously what girl would want me?), skinny as FUCK (not for lack of trying to fix I might add), still live with my parents.... i don't have any real hobbies to speak of (though I am actively working on fixing this atm)...
You see where I'm going with this? But thanks for the advice anyway.
edit: seriously that link to that song though... holy shit dude. That made me tear up. That is amazing. I get why you named your post the way you did man. Wow. damn.
Mid 20s.
Just relentlessly approaching women and putting myself out of my comfort zone when I am off work. Over a hundred approaches a week. When I'm not approaching I would go to meetup groups or dates.
I don't recommend the path that I took. It's too extreme and I felt lost at times. I wish I read Models by Mark Manson sooner.
I also went to therapy for problems associated with being forever alone.
I'll read Models by Mark Manson. Would you recommend any other books? I'm the guy who was doing the newbie assignment. I finally did the saying hi day but I feel like I didn't accomplish much. It went exactly how I thought it would, somewhat awkward but no rude rejections. Not sure what the next step should be for me. I'm going out clubbing for a birthday party tomorrow, will have a wingman there. I'd like to do something to do something out of my comfort zone. I just have no idea what to say to people, other than I like your shirt, what do you do for work/school and boring crap like that.
Thanks Shakedown (you hero), I intend to. I'm on step 0 of the program. Waiting for the Schwartzenegger book to arrive. I'm reading The Power of Now and How To Win Friends and Influence People in the mean time.
Just posted this elsewhere but http://www.amazon.com/Rewire-Your-Brain-Think-Better/dp/0470487291. A lifetime of reading self-help and this is hands down the best. Not all rah-rah motivational, just straight up instructions of empirically verified methods. Not entirely focused on just the thinking process directly, but also what habits to cultivate to promote positive thinking. Seriously, I cannot recommend this book enough.