IGN - remilessard
Activity (9/10) - Very active person. Top playtime. https://gyazo.com/b35cc96359258ec9ca8f60dea91662e9 My school starts in a week but when im not at school im on minecraft playing kohi.
PvP (7/10) I can hold 1v1s and im really good in teamfights.
Elo - (Elo on practice2.0/Talk about teamfights): My elo on prac 2 is like 1000 but i could be 1200-1300/ I love team fights, i communicate well and talk when i am in trouble.
Are you fine with weekly mining: Yes I love mining i can mine a lot with you guys <3.
Pot Brewing/Base building 9/10 for brewing I can brew a shit ton for you guys with auto brewers :D. Base building i'm not bad i can build nice builds but not the nicest ones xD.
Timezone: Eastern time (EST)
Age: 15
Past Factions: Voltage
Past Betrayals: None i am not that type of guy.
Why should you join and not others: I should join because i am very dedicated, I can help you guys a lot when you need to brew,mine,farm ( I am very Helpful)
Kiting (9/10) I have not died a lot this map and don't wish to die a alot. I also don't panic/drop while kitting and i stay focused on what i'm doing.
AGE: 15
IGN: ItzIkisPvP
Activity: 4-5 hours
Timezone: GMT-5 (México)
Languages:Spanish and English
Past Factions: EndCombo
Map Started: 17
Kiting Skill: 8/10
PvP Skill: 8/10
Mining Skill: 9.9/10
Mic: Nice
Teamspeak: Yeah
Rank: Basic maybe in days Silver
Global Elo: 1100, I change my desk so It changed a little my sensitivity, In the last season of prac2 I got 1200 in Map 16 (no debuff) https://gyazo.com/975e919d7c0e29f0ba7a4fb46fc9b17f
What is your strength: I like team fights and I'm good at pvp.
What is your weakness: Not speak to fast in english. But I suppose you can understand me ;D
IGN: (OLD ALIASES AS WELL) Fuckah, Zoyu, TDog6O6
PvP: (1-10) 8(assuming this rating is against legit minemen)
Basebitch: (1-10) 8
Quick statement about what you can contribute:I can make god brewers, In fact i have designed my own autobrewer, which no one else has. It Brews about 1 dub of potions in about 1 minute. (kewlPvE) I also go mining a fuckton And Play a lot And I don't drop
How many maps have you played Kohi?: Played since map 12 KOHI and map 15 HCF
Past Factions:
Kohi: Cartel, Omnicious, HoodlumGang, Savage, StrikeTeam, YoungThugs, Brazil, Nightmare, WalrusGang, Ruthless, SadBoys, WonderPetz,
HCF: DuckClan, America(got kicked when we merged GG)
HCMemes: Awakened, HillTopHoods, Jamaica, SixOh, Barcelona, RivenDale,
Pick me up nigg
Ign: halon Age: 14 Past Factions: Walmart, N9NE PvP: 8/10 Communication: Great (not cancer) can make callouts and have turtle beach x12s Activity: everyday for about 5 hours BaseBitch: 8/10 I make great traps n do stuff around the base for the faction Tank: 1v1s and Kiting Strengths: Trapping and targeting people and sticking to them in teamfights and capping koths I also get 14 ms to the kohi network and take little kb im also eu. Weakness's: I havn't got the best pc and I lag at conquest a lot but eh I'll just use an fps pack. My average ping https://gyazo.com/69e663f9da35d1d772a54736f34f5869
IGN: Kragie
Age: 9
Past factions: Dont play hcf so non
PvP: Yeah player vs player?
Communication: I know how to speak danish
Activity: I play computer a lot
Basebitch: ? I dont basebitch
Tank: https://gyazo.com/262d156ecbd40a882d48dafbb6650e4a this?
Strengths: Strength 2?
Weakness's: I can throw a good Weakness :)
Ign: halon Age: 14 Past Factions: Walmart, N9NE PvP: 8/10 Communication: Great (not cancer) can make callouts and have turtle beach x12s Activity: everyday for about 5 hours BaseBitch: 8/10 I make great traps n do stuff around the base for the faction Tank: 1v1s and Kiting Strengths: Trapping and targeting people and sticking to them in teamfights and capping koths I also get 14 ms to the kohi network and take little kb im also eu. Weakness's: I havn't got the best pc and I lag at conquest a lot but eh I'll just use an fps pack. My average ping https://gyazo.com/69e663f9da35d1d772a54736f34f5869
dcg won the first one out of two. The second winner will be selected in two hours
I don't lie.
Only other thing I have played ranked is map16noDB which i fuck around in,
Hope that maybe you can still consider me.
I was in those factions on another account called Pend which is now hacked so I dont use it ;3
IGN: Nifty. Age:15 . Pvp: Im am good at pvp and i can kite good/tank good. also i can kite good. I am a very good builder i just built https://gyazo.com/874427538f9d0a6aefa60f9a378bc571 on normal factions! i have ts and skype with a good mic I am very active on kohi if im not on hcf i will probs be on practice2 if you need any more info msg me
Yes I built it and yes I downloaded drivers, anti-virus, fixed bios and all that. I just forget all the necessary programs and I know there's a link with all the necessary programs at the same place but I just don't remember what it was called.
EDIT : Found the website : https://ninite.com/
-IGN: ZlenderManX
TimeZone: Gmt +1h (Norway)
-Past Factions My Own and Europe
-PvP : 7/10 i was at 1300 - 1200 but i quited practice 2,0 on kohi and started playing on practice on parapvp
-Base Bitch Skillage 9/10 im the guy who is mining and brewing alot i can mine up to 1-3 hours a day and is on the server 5+ hours in a day :) https://gyazo.com/be6c5fbf8f09d0952066fc53f8b465f5
MORE: Iam a Youtuber With 1210 subs and i will recorde on the server With the faction :)
if ur too lazy, here is a good one, i have it myself, 700-600 fps in teamfights/pvping and 1.2k when your not (at least for me) http://www.amazon.com/Alienware-AX51R3-5510BLK-Desktop-Generaton-NVIDIA/dp/B015XK22H0?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
*Microphone: steelseries http://www.amazon.co.uk/SteelSeries-Siberia-FullSize-Headset-Microphone/dp/B003N636VI/ref=sr_1_9?ie=UTF8&qid=1449323199&sr=8-9&keywords=steelseries
*Time Zone:EU
*Greatest Strengths: good it pvp and caing
*Greatest Weakness: caping
this is my mouse, iv had it for almost a year now, nothing is wrong with it, basically brand new and it's cheap http://www.amazon.co.uk/UtechSmart-Venus-Programmable-programmable-Customizing/dp/B00FNKMVUO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1449447161&sr=8-1&keywords=utechsmart+mice
I could put this tower?
and this motherboards?
to save some
I should upgrade ur proccesor to an INTEL CORE I7 4770K , Don't know how much you wanna spend but with that proccesor you will be fine and play games on much higher fps. http://www.amazon.com/Intel-i7-4770K-Quad-Core-Processor-BX80646I74770K/dp/B00CO8TBQ0 or another site but just for more information :)
Current & Past In-Game Names: Jaderoks, Nightcore_pvp (my name now)
Teamspeak: Teamspeak 3 client
Basebitch: i will base bitch and mine if asked to and on my own
PvP: 8/10
Rank: None
Timezone & How long can you be on daily: Est (i think), i can be on 3-10hs a day
Can you mine certain amount of ore a week: yes maybe even more i like mining
Past Faction & Betrayals: this is my first map but i have played for along time and watched alot of YouTube videos so i know the basics.