I think this is them being Meta. To my understanding in the lore belzenok is trying to replace all of the old stories on dominaria with his name.
Needle looked up at him, her eyes wide, the dark pupils dilated with reverence. "A fabled blade, a soul-drinker. The one who forged the sword killed an elder dragon and absorbed its strength—"
Sadage said, "Stop." This close to the worship hall and its resplendent occupant, he couldn't afford to let discipline slip. "Who used it to kill an elder dragon?"
Needle hesitated. The disciple at her side said, "It's said it was the Planeswalker Dakkon Bl—"
Sadage made a sharp gesture. "It was Belzenlok! Belzenlok forged it. Belzenlok slayed the elder dragon. Belzenlok."
In a murmuring chorus, the group of disciples repeated obediently, "It was Belzenlok, Lord of the Wastes, Belzenlok, Slayer of Elder Dragons."
Needle added, "This is his sword. Belzenlok, King of Urborg, Demonlord. I return it to him."
I believe the praetors were not compleated Mirrans but instead natively grown Phyrexians.
Getting to Know the Praetors mentions that Vorinclex was artificially created in a birthing pod.
Unfortunately not much was said specifically about the ultimate fate of the resistance after Elesh Norn's victory. The last we heard in any detail, Koth had detonated a spellbomb aimed at destroying the praetors, but we don't know the result of that blast. The resistance was essentially beaten, with Koth possibly killed in the blast and Melira's location unknown (though Elspeth seems to think she was captured.) You can read more here: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/uncharted-realms/lost-confession-2013-12-18
Pretty Bleak. Thankfully that's not the last word. This article is the most recent information I know of on the state of the resistance: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/feature/checking-planeswalkers-2015-2015-08-19
This one suggests that Koth and Melira still survive and lead the resistance in some form or another. It's hard to imagine how they would survive for long, but I'm not sure it's been terribly long since new phyrexia. A year maybe? I would bet Koth is still alive, but I'm not totally sure about any other Mirrans.
Here's the link: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/columns/magic-story
I like it for the most part. The lore is very interesting behind a lot of the planes and each plane has its own story but intertwines into a larger story.
If you haven't read it before you should check out Roreca's Tale. It's a piece by Richard Garfield back in 1994 and it describes a planeswalker exploring an area and making bonds with its leylines (playing a land card) and also using those to cast spells during a battle with another plansewalker.
I don't know.
I know that M14 and M15 partially had part of the story on Shandalar, and Origins had 10 planes associated with it (including a brief stint with half a story on Dominaria, thanks Liliana).
Does that mean we have actually gone there for a magic set, or is it just a side story, or a "vignette"? The Gorgon and the Guildpact came out between Born of the Gods and Journey into Nyx. Does that mean we went to Ravnica?
I really don't know if the core sets count, or if they're just side stories, or backstory.
I honestly can't say one way or the other. I didn't read them, but most of what I heard about them was that they were okay.
That said, the entire series is available in paperback for like $11 on Amazon right now. So if you think you'd enjoy seeing Chandra duke it out with Tibalt for $11, then go for it. https://www.amazon.com/Magic-Gathering-Chandra-Vita-Ayala/dp/1684054273
do you mean this article (haven´t read it if not plz referr me to said article plz ^_^) i´m pretty new to magic ( only started playing it since early 2017) but i really enjoy the story , i´m reading old stuff to get a handle on the lore but you only got a finite time in rl for stuf flike this^^
We won't know the exact details of the Story until April 23rd when the novel is out. Amazon pre-order So most people are speculating about the details of the story and in the same boat as you.
>Of the world's countless civic centers, one looms large above all others: the City of Ravnica, a metropolis so vast that its name has long since become synonymous with the entire plane. It is here, amid the mazes of streets and towering Gothic spires, that Ravnica's guilds vie for power. from https://magic.wizards.com/en/story/planes/ravnica
Also the beginning of the first Ravnica novel makes a point about the city limits
I haven't see annthing to explain the SIZE of the plane Ranvica, but almost all MTG planes do not have their size defined. Dominaria is notable for being a) known to be a spherical planet and b) known to be about twice as big as Earth. If another plane were to be a bigger planet than Dominaria, then that might be the kind of thing we would have heard about.
yeah this is my suspicion as well. We know from the Planeswalker's Guide that members of the Progress Engine were trying to reverse-engineer Memnarch's soul-traps but I guess they're not making sufficient progress: https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/savor-flavor/planeswalkers-guide-new-phyrexia-progress-engine-2011-04-20
[[Warstorm Surge]] is from Valla
EDIT and also, Blood-Cursed knight is from Dominaria, not Innistrad like you have him. (Each plane of Magic Origins was associated with a color pair, and Dominaria was black/white).
They don't have the same helmet.
Venser's helmet had a front piece that hinged into the larger back piece. The front piece also had two spikes that dropped down over the cheeks.
Garruk's helmet has a front piece that fits with the back and top piece, has horns attached, and lacks those two spikes.
Garruk and Venser have never met in story. There was no giving the helmet to Garruk at any point.
I’m sure there’s a pdf out there somewhere but for the sake of supporting literature, this is the Amazon webpage.
I wouldn't say that D&D and M:tG are officially connected in any way, but:
*The Plane Shift documents providing information for playing D&D in some of the M:tG worlds implies a connection. Indeed, Plane Shift: Amonkhet has an appendix (entitled Planeswalkers and the Multiverse) that gives suggestions for cross-planar campaigns. The last paragraph of it, in particular, suggests that whether or not "Planeswalker characters travel from Amonkhet to whatever plane the Forgotten Realms lies on" is up to you.
*Many of the cards in the Legends expansion, especially the legends themselves, are based on the characters of the D&D campaigns of the set's developers. I don't think that this implies an official connection, as they are home campaigns as opposed to officially published ones, but it's a connection nonetheless.
I found proof! Vaasgoth is a place on Shandalar! I think this only affects [[bloodlord of vaasgoth]], but hey, every little bit counts.
After reading the story Stonekiller, you can figure out a few cards based on their images/names/flavortext.
All these cards are from Alara.
[[Kaalia of the Vast]] is from Bant.
[[Servant of Neferox]], [[Neferox, Overlord of Grixis]], [[Bone Splinters]] (mm17 edition) are from Grixis.
[[Dragonskull Summit]] is from somewhere in Alara- since no shard had any dragons besides Jund (not counting [[Maalfegor]]), and the fact that it seems to have been there awhile, it's probably from Jund. The color identity checks out too.
[[Ajani's Sunstriker]] is from Naya.
[[Greatsword]] is from somewhere Alaran.
Well, it must have been after "In the Dead of Night", because in that Chandra says
> "This is Yahenni. They're someone we can trust,"
and Gonti is described in the same story as they
> Gonti straightens their robe and tilts their head.
There's an eBook about it called Godsend - it's two parts, there isn't a Born of the Gods one.
$2 per part on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074CFNJWQ?ref_=dbs_r_series&storeType=ebooks
Based off of the Amazon listing it looks to be the trade paperback for the Chandra comic that was recently canceled. Nothing new if you already read the comic but I've heard it is decent enough and unconnected the trainwrecks of the last two books other than taking place after WAR.
The ASINs tend to be the same across marketplaces. Here's the amazon.com link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1419751549
Product description:
> An official visual guide to the fantastical worlds and legendary characters of Magic: The Gathering > > The various realms of Magic: The Gathering’s storied Multiverse have served as host to countless epic battles and dramatic cataclysms—and each plane is richly and uniquely populated with its own fantastical creatures, iconic characters, and legendary Planeswalkers. In Magic: The Gathering: Planes of the Multiverse, author Jay Annelli presents a visual guide to the history behind lore-defining events from the Phyrexian Invasion to the War of the Spark, as well as character profiles for Karn, Narset, Vraska, Sorin Markov, and other fan-favorite Planeswalkers. > > Planes of the Multiverse pairs original artwork—in many instances reproduced for the first time outside of the card frame—with detailed primers on each plane. This collection offers exclusive insight into the art and mythology of some of Magic: The Gathering’s most popular and enduring locales—and the characters that inhabit them.
Jay Annelli is also listed as the author of "Magic: The Gathering: Legends: A Visual History" (October 27, 2020).
You have to keep in mind that they never printed the books themselves. Even the cards are printed in printshops they outsource. Making a book, a physical book, needs a bit more than just print an e-book. They would have to make the book significantly more expensive than the ebook and so it will sell much less, unless they make it into actual collectible, which would only increase the price and make the audience narrower.
Look at the War of the Spark novel - the e-book costs 10 USD, while hardcover 17 USD. (https://www.amazon.com/Ravnica-Magic-Gathering-War-Spark/dp/1984817450).
I don't think the whole hassle would be worth for them. It's like saying that Porsche should make buses. Sure, they technically could do that, but would it be worth it?
This seems to be a working .co.uk page ? (I’m Denmark based so I’m waiting it out a bit and see if there’s some second hand books...)
Sounds even more interesting now.
That would be hard to do. I mean, It would require time and someone hungry for perfection. Balancing card games is hard, balancing several archenemy styled encounters with cards not made for this purpose specifically... Really hard.
Do you think you can manage this? (Totally expecting "yes" as an answer) If so, Could I be of some help?