I don't think it's available anywhere, either streaming with service or pay-per-episode.
There are non legal streaming options. I won't link to them but try googling something like "Northern Exposure watch online".
I think the domestic first season original release might have the original music? Otherwise, only thing I know is European format. I bought this blu ray set from Amazon UKAmazon UK Northern Exposure
As far as I can tell this is it (note that they are Europe region locked so you need a matching player) Northern Exposure The Complete Series [Blu-ray] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079J83V4P/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_0VAFHSDZVKCKW05NT9NN
So it looks like you’re talking about a set that was available on Amazon.com (U.S. site) but not this dvd set on amazon.co.uk? As far as I can tell, this would be the dvd equivalent of the UK blu-ray that has the original music. Can anyone confirm that? The confusing thing is that the reviews for the dvd and blu-ray are all bundled together and most people have purchased the blu-ray since that was released first. But that also seems encouraging that they likely have the same content, just different quality A/V. Anybody know what’s up with this?