Any external USB3 drive will work...the base PS4 uses a SATA2 bus so it will never transfer data faster than ~300MB/s no matter how fast your drive is or whether it's internal or not.
You could put this inside of this and on a base PS4 it will perform the same as any more expensive/faster drive installed internally.
Terminal3 processes BDO payments for Kakao cash, buying the game through the BDO website, and upgrades to the game like if you wanted to buy the deluxe edition. I am talking about their verification process which seems to be random? I bought some kaokao cash through their website, and they didn't process the payment, instead they blocked future transactions until I provided all of the items which I outlined in the post.
See below, does it make sense now?
Here's the message I received on their website at
1.000 Kakao Cash for*$10.00*
Dear User,
Your $10.00 payment made on Sep 13, 2020 1:58 PM using your Credit Cards in Black Desert Online was canceled by our anti-fraud team. Money were returned to the account holder.
To unblock this account, please provide us with your payment receipt and a copy of the account holder's ID (driver's license, passport or any other additional information that confirms this payment). If you have more than one account with this application, please let us know the details about them. You can attach all this info by clicking the button below and making an inquiry or you can send it to , indicating 'Verification for CID ------------' in subject.
Thank you,
Terminal3 Payments Team.
so i only play ps4 and you got to be lv 56 and use seals you get on a login reward as far as i know may be a better way but the epheria sailboat for 50 of these seals
Not much you can do OP if you're on PS5. Xbox allows for button remapping, even on normal controllers and assign the remapping to different mapping profiles.
On PS5 you're limited to a third party accessory until an official PS5 back button is released.
That took 5 minutes to search for. So...I wouldn't be surprised if something was in the works for this issue at hand, all together. It's a cash cow. And the console version is booming.
Yeah dude I’m serious. No point in buying the fastest SSD you can get because the Xbox won’t even recognize it and scale it down due to the USB limitations.
Here’s a 120GB for 22$ on amazon....
Any external USB3 drive will's a 256GB drive and enclosure both for $38.
The non-pro PS4's have a SATA2 bus, internal vs. external / drive speed won't make any discernable performance difference.