It's this one, however his confession can be found for free online. I bought it because I was collecting all the Dahmer books I could find, but this one is not super worth it.
I personally wrote Richard Ramirez if you’re interested. I’m going to be handing off my collection of letters to a collector soon, we didn’t speak about his crimes but they are interesting nonetheless.
IMO one serial killer that is often overlooked is Donald “Peewee”" Gaskins. The most in depth interview was done by Wilton Earl who wrote his autobiography in The Final Truth.
Shelly Knotek... Yeesh. The MOST evil person I've ever read about.
If You Tell by Greg Olsen - is the single most powerful true crime book I've ever read. Brilliant storytelling. It's the only book I've ever had to put down while I was reading it because it was just so fucked up.
If they are done well, you don't have to watch them.... you can just listen. I'm particularly a fan of the velvet-smooth voice of Will Lyman and this video that I can only find on DVD:
Agree. This movie was my introduction to serial killers. There is a book, The Method and Madness, where the author talks about meeting Chikatilo before he's caught of course. good read.