I've been trapped in that same cycle from my diagnosis almost 20 years ago now - dieting/weight loss/stopping dieting/weight gain/increase or change medication - repeat.
I finally got off that treadmill after reading The Diabetes Code and starting a routine of Intermittent Fasting.
I was so sick and tired of my friends, family, and doctors just sort of throwing up their hands and saying that Type II diabetes is just something you'll have to keep taking more and more medication for, and that you'll eventually just get sicker and fatter and die from complications.
It doesn't have to be like that. You can start with small changes to stop being in a constantly "fed" state. Once you can flip that metabolic switch, things get a lot easier. I've lowered my A1C dramatically by starting 16:8 intermittent feeding (16 hours of no food, eat during the remaining 8 hours). My doctor suggested it after YEARS of no real improvement. Just new medications, and more "just eat less, move more" advice that never really made a difference in my blood tests.
It worked for me, anyway. I'm never going back to that cycle of guilt and shame about how (and more importantly - WHEN) I eat. I'm only marginally concerned about the what as I continue to improve my A1C.
The fact is, Type II diabetes has a dietary cause, so the cure is dietary as well. But, there is a way that works for me that finally helped me reverse the course of progression, and that was Intermittent Fasting. Please check with your doctor on its efficacy, and don't lose hope! It IS possible to reverse the effects of Type II diabetes, and actually cure yourself. You can do it!
Welcome to the club! Though not really, since being diabetic sucks. But here's some advice:
When I was first diagnosed, I sat down with a nutritionist for an hour. She helped me learn the difference in carbs, how they affect me, and how to portion them. She gave me easy charts to follow and advice on meal plans. It was nice because she wasn't judgey and didn't make me feel stupid for not really knowing what Carbohydrates on labels meant. Maybe you should seek out an appointment with one?
Get a blood glucose meter. It will tell you what your blood sugar is at. They're pretty cheap and available on Amazon or Walmart. You can measure it when you first wake up to see what your body naturally sits at without any food in it. Then measure it 2 hours after a meal and see how your body processed what you just consumed.
Also, you're AIC is not crazy high. With good diet and a little movement, you can get it back into the 5's or even 4's. Normal A1C range is under a 5.7. If you can lower your numbers, they'll take you off medication. But if you ignore the results and keep letting your A1C rise, you'll be put on higher dosages and more pills and then insulin. I know it's hard scary depressing news, but it's life saying "hey, it's time for a change."
You can do this.
I hate to get very far into The Diet Wars, but this is the reference: Here
I am a nobody, but this approach has worked for me. My last A1c was 5.3, triglycerides 54 and good cholesterol numbers. At the same time my wife needs an entirely different approach, so I am in the "there is no one magic diet" camp.
I use a taurate, glycinate and malate blend recommended by someone on Reddit actually. Eventually I’ll probably upgrade to a more reputable company that I purchase my more hardcore supplements from but it does the trick for me
I use something similar to this microwave egg "poacher", which is what I used to make those egg bites:
The only drawback is they aren't a good shape for making deviled eggs. But it's great for making eggs as snacks, or for making egg salad. Or for deviled egg canapes.
The best thing your mom can do is self educate - learn as much about the current information as she can. Knowing how diet can help control T2D is such valuable information.
Here is a really good book, written by a medical doctor who is now in his 80's and has been a diabetic since his teens. https://www.amazon.ca/Dr-Bernsteins-Diabetes-Solution-Achieving/dp/0316182699 I think this is a good place to start. He also has a web site with lots of video lectures on various topics for both T1 & 2D . Also, I have found trying to find ready-made Low Carb/Keto/Diabetic premade food was hard to find and VERY expensive. It is not that hard to make great food at home that is based on whole food and is high in nutritional value. Now that she is a T2D she must change her lifestyle and relationship with food to live a healthy and complications free life. I have now been on a full keto diet for 4 years and my T2D is totally under control - with NO MEDS. I was taking 3 kinds of meds before changing my diet. Here is my playlist of Keto foods that have keept my BS in the very healthy normal range. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWxb2cfHHa24T7pXv6ssnDw/playlists
If you want to help your mom, the best thing is to learn with her about T2D and how a very low carb diet can make a huge difference. Supporting her journey will encourage her and the support is so appreciated (I love that my family are 100% helping keep to my keto lifestyle- they see how much it helped me)> Let me just complement you – you are amazing for wanting to do this for your mom. Best of luck to her and may she get her T2d UNDER CONTROLE!
Hope this helps. CHeers
Do you only check in the morning or do you check before every meal/snack?
If it is your highest number of the day you could be dealing with the dawn phenomenon or somogyi effect. I was fortunate and my insurance partially covers a freestyle libre for me. I found out my blood sugar was getting way low at night (somogyi effect). Now I take 2 gummy vitamins before I go to bed and my fasting number has dramatically improved.
If you are new to this though don't stress about having the dawn phenomenon or smogyi effect right now. Focus on lifestyle changes with diet and exercise. Exercise doesn't have to be HIIT workouts either. Walking helps my all days numbers a lot.
Also check out the book Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchaupse. I know a lot of people have success with fasting but my life and work schedule would make that so hard. The tips from the Glucose Revolution book helped me a lot.
Fennel seeds are excellent mouth freshener and an superb source of fiber. 3 grams carbs and 2.3 grams fiber. Get the lucknow fennel seeds coz they are tastier and thinner.
My doctor told me to read this
It worked. No meds, coded "resolved", A1c now in the low 5's.
For what it is worth.
I eat very low carb, but I found this book helpful. Written by a T1D author whose mother was also a diabetic. She’s a registered dietitian. Her explanation regarding successful diabetic eating has to do with balancing fats, fiber and protein with specific carbs/sugars in every meal to slow absorption, thus having low effect on blood sugar. The recipes I’ve tried have not affected my bg negatively. She has a couple smoothie recipes also. I got my copy at the library. I’m pasting the amazon link here so you can read reviews. Some people like the book & recipes, some people have concerns about it. Everyone is unique. https://www.amazon.com/Easy-Diabetes-Cookbook-Delicious-Recipes/dp/1645671763#aw-udpv3-customer-reviews_feature_div
Is this a good one? I'm thinking the pea/veggie protein would probably work better for me as most of my other protein comes from meat so this would be more balancing? https://www.amazon.com/Vega-Protein-Greens-Servings-Packaging/dp/B00QP69MXE
talk to your doctor and ask about what BALANCED meal plan would work that would include meat, veggies, fruit, and complex carbs. These are essential nutrients needed in a human diet. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/diabetes-diet/art-20044295 Though in your case MONITOR the carbs.
Ask about portioning of carbs as well. Maybe ask your doctor if you could do a semi-keto diet if it is applicable since maybe in your case less carbs is better. But ask your doctor :)
I do understand but for example peaches have a low GI and are packed with vitamins. (WHILE I AM NOT A HEALTH PROFFESSIONAL SO TALK TO A DOCTOR) Its just I suggest instead of going full keto. Eat low GI veggies, meat, and IF YOUR BLOOD SUGAR MONITOR AGREES have a SMALL PORTION of low GI fruit.
The longest living population is the 7th day adventists. Look at the 7th day adventist study. I mean a diabetic should NOT eat EXACTLY like them but maybe IF YOUR MONITOR AGREES add a SMALL PORTION of legumes, or LOW GI fruit. I don't see the harm if the fruit or legume is low GI, a SMALL PORTION and eaten WITH protein AND YOUR MONITOR AGREES AND YOUR DOCTOR APPROVES! :)
Here is more information. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/diabetes-diet/art-20044295
first off fiber and for fruit vitamin C. I understand diabetics should portion them but cutting them out completely with a restrictive keto diet seems too far. I mean keto is fantastic for quick weight loss but it shouldn't be a diet you live off of. For me honestly I lost more weight and had better health eating a balanced diet than than a keto diet, no I do not look like an underwear model lol but I have more energy and feel better. BUT ASK YOUR DOCTOR THOUGH ABOUT YOUR DIET PLANS. But I understand for type 2 diabetes you should limit carbs but I think cutting them out completely is too far.
You need a little bit of complex carbs which are sweet potatoes, veggies, legumes, nuts, grains like bulgur. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/diabetes-diet/art-20044295 These are radically different from simple carbs like candy, white bread, and table sugar due to slower fuel complex carbs give you. BUT ASK YOUR DOCTOR THOUGH ABOUT YOUR DIET PLANS.
dude talk to your doctor a before going on a ketogenic diet. It may work for SOME folks but may NOT be sustainable in the long run for other folks!
I knew a diabetic neighbor who did the keto diet and got a heart attack from all the cholesterol despite having healthy numbers
JUST because a diet makes you lose weight does NOT mean it is healthy. Many things cause weight loss from smoking crack to AIDS lol. But are not necessarily healthy!
You need to be careful with carbs!
But what I suggest (I AM NOT A DOCTOR OR HEALTH PROFESSIONAL SO PLEASE TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR! What I suggest is a nice BALANCED diet! I would suggest to cut out bread even whole grain bread due to a high GL and added sugars bakers put in bread for flavoring. Eat an appropriate portion of boiled sweet potatoes or a small apple as your complex carb source but NOT too much.
have some meat and of course some FISH and LOTS of healthy low GI vegatables.
Fruit is ok but make sure it is low GI. Nuts and a little bit of legumes would be fine but talk to your doctor first
Check your blood sugar too!
I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! READ READ READ THE FOOD LABELS! Their is added sugar in MANY foods. (natural sugar from fruit is fine because of fruit's vitamins, minerals, and fiber which slows down digestion. Plus it is not concentrated sugar like sugar cane or molasses. Make sure the fruit is not high GI fruit) But any ingredients on the labels that say brown sugar, malt, and "natural flavoring" avoid!
I would personally avoid corn starch and especially modified cornstarch. Use olive oil as a cooking oil.
Hope that helps. I will get some back lash from the keto guys lol.
here is more information https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/diabetes/in-depth/diabetes-diet/art-20044295
This last time was so easy. Instead of the powdered sweetener, I just added about 10 drops of a liquid sweetener. I had bought some silicone candy molds and just poured the microwaved molten chocolate into the molds, tapped them a few times on the counter to even out the spread of the chocolate, and then refrigerated them.
On one, I dropped some crushed walnuts into the mold before adding the chocolate. Wonderful! I'll be doing that for all of them next time.
They broke apart easily because of the "scoring" on the silicone candy molds.
This book was super helpful to me when I was diagnosed. I highly recommend it.
For pizza, I've found most low-carb pizza crusts to be awful. The best ones I've found have been cauliflower-based and traditional pizza crust using Carbalose flour. For me, at least, Carbalose doesn't spike my glucose numbers, but it's not quite as good as regular flour.
I would reccomend two things:
ONE: (A) If she is not checking blood glucose several times a day she should start doing this. You can buy meters and strips on Amazon, at your drugstore or have your Endocrinologist order it.
(B) get her on a low carb diet, like keto or similar.
TWO: consider trying medihoney alginate dressing - made from Manuka honey. It was the thing that turned the corner for me with similar wounds
I'm going to agree with some of those that have come before me and say that of all the meters I've used Contour Next is the best. The readings are consistent, the strips require very little blood and they are cheap on Amazon. I use the contour Next One.
I'm using this one: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=menloseweight.loseweightappformen.weightlossformen I dare say they make one for Women and I've lost 10kg using it...when I started I couldn't bend down to ties my shoelaces up without getting out of breath...now I'm walking 2 miles a day and doing these exercises. You literally do about 6 exercises that last 5 minutes in total for 3 days then have a day off...rise and repeat. It really helps with the pain. I just wish I had never taken these tablets but my doctor couldn't get me up to the higher dose quick enough and you know how much they make you go to the toilet!! It was a real mess...so the exercise, the intermittent fasting and the walking all really help.
Here's the Women's version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=loseweightapp.loseweightappforwomen.womenworkoutathome Worth a try, I feel miles better...
I got these infections all the time before I was diagnosed. They’ve gone away mostly since my numbers are controlled but I’ll still get one occasionally. I highly recommend this scrub: Tea Tree Oil Exfoliating Scrub with Bamboo Charcoal, Neem Oil & Natural Pumice by Oleavine TheraTree https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017L8ZUJE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_EcEtFb64AQ2GD Scrub with this every other time you shower in the areas you’re prone to infection.
I also blow dry under my boobs and between any skin folds after a shower. It’s silly but it works.
I have published two books on diabetes prevention which do not have material overlapping with Dr. Feng's nor Dr. Bernstein's books. The FIRST Program, lays out the physiology as well as tested metabolic exercise regimens to decrease insulin resistance. The second book, The Thin Prediabetic, explains the many ways people can develop diabetes WITHOUT obesity. The book gives the reader a cutting-edge, gut microbiome explanation and lists many research-backed nutraceuticals which have been employed to decrease chronic inflammation, boost insulin production, improve gut-pancreas signaling, and more.
It's easy to quickly do four eggs in this microwave egg "poacher", no peeling needed:
Once out of the microwave, I sometimes save to eat as a cold "hard boiled" egg later, or chop up for egg salad or chicken salad. The only issue I have with this process is that the eggs are not in the right shape to do deviled eggs. :(
I found this book very informayive Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution: The Complete Guide to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars https://www.amazon.ca/Dr-Bernsteins-Diabetes-Solution-Achieving/dp/0316182699
hope this helps. Cheers
I trialled some sensors earlier this year.
If you intend high activity levels consider adding a film coating. I bought a film from the chemist. I made a circle about 2cm (3/4") more radius than the sensor. I added a circle of paper over the sensor to avoid the film sticking directly to it; that made it much easier to remove if necessary without dislodging the sensor.
The film added waterproofing and security of attachment. A couple of time I pricked a hole in the centre to match the hole in the sensor but that seemed to make no difference to readings.
There are film covers made for it available in the USA but I have not seen them here: https://www.amazon.com/SIMPATCH-Freestyle-Adhesive-Waterproof-Multiple/dp/B078H3L4PC
Whether or not you use a Libre or fingersticks please read this: Test, Review, Adjust.