I wish browsers offered integrations with other password managers like how Android's AutoFill API works. I'm writing my own open source password manager and it would be great to let the browser handle the autofill work. A great Firefox (or Chrome) password manager doesn't help me when not using Firefox.
A few of mine:
I prefer going all in with ngrx state for moderate to highly complex tasks just for consistency. It does make extra boilerplate though. I find projects that mix state between ngrx and elsewhere can get awkward to know where state lives for any particular thing or you end up refactoring later to bring things into ngrx. Always tradeoffs.
I can recommend https://passit.io
very lightweight and has everything a standard user needs.
Vault/Bitwarden are a bit tricky with their organization structure when it comes to Password sharing with other users e.x.
Having a Native (GTK, not electron) Linux app is on my dream to do list for Passit. Probably won't happen for a long time, if ever. I would need to find a way to reuse the javascript logic I have already with GTK.
Thinking about native apps - would you consider it a must have to save data locally, as in not online (which would use end to end encryption). Passit can only edit data when online but can read data offline. I had some musing for making it work without any back-end but it wouldn't be trivial to add pluggable back-ends.
could you recommend me a guide to setting it up, i looked here https://passit.io/install/ but it seems to be a guide for docker and they also advice using a domain. i prefer to install directly instead of using a docker
If you'll forgive me shilling with a work alt:
I work on Passit! If you're mostly in Firefox and Chrome (or you want to use a web app instead of an extension) you should find it easy to use.
Ive been looking for exactly this as well. Currently I've settled on pass-it.
It's fairly basic, but has all the standard password bases covered and has a great interface and team/group sharing, as well as apps/extensions for all platforms.
Afaik bitwarden self hosted doesn't have a teams / group sharing feature, right?