Safe in Cloud. I paired it with its' free Windows app, available here.
I use safeincloud personally. It's not free but it's a one off rather than subscription. Has Android and iOS apps, but the desktop client is only available for Windows right now. Allows csv import and has an option specifically for lastpass.
Two potential solutions:
The xkcd mnemonic method, aka. "Correct Horse Battery Staple". You can use Wolfram Alpha to generate the random words to avoid bias/predictability in word choice.
Use a secure password manager app with heavy encryption. I like Safe In Cloud on my Android device (also available for iOS and Windows): (Though, I haven't turned on the backup/syncing. Not sure that I'm completely comfortable with that idea still.) There are plenty of other choices out there, but be sure to be careful to pick one that's established as legitimate.
(These are not the only two potential solutions, they're just my favorite two.)