Terminology its really interesting and full of features
I personally use termite, it is clean with simple config and has really fast startup, so when I hit the console key, its right there...
This is a problem domain that interests me very much, I'm thinking of doing something related too one day but I'm being bit hampered by wanting to re-invent half of the OS while I'm at it... What sorts of ideas do you have for structured data?
Have you seen Terminology?
Enlightments's Terminology has many bells and whistles: https://www.enlightenment.org/about-terminology viewing images, displaying clickable icons, many terms, etc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibPziLRGvkg
I only know about terminology, which can do some fancier stuff like display images and videos, but that is not the direction you are up to at all - just bells and whistles.
Sign me up. This would probably mean shell/terminal emulator would have to be tightly integrated, probably as one piece of software. I would not mind that, to be honest.
Already done here, without JS. We used to have graphical programs long before the web; the problem here isn't to display graphical thingies, it's to have a standard amongst all the tty emulators.
L'argent, c'est au final à double-tranchant. Je suis le main dév (et quasi seul dév) de Terminology (https://www.enlightenment.org/about-terminology). Si je reçois de l'argent, ça va me faire plaisir et me motiver à coder un peu plus dessus. Dans les faits, je vais plutôt me sentir forcer de bosser dessus sur mon temps libre. Si je recevais de quoi me payer un micro salaire, disons 1/10 et bosser une demi-journée par semaine dessus, ça serait déjà différent. Je pourrais proposer à mon patron qu'il me fasse un 9/10 et là le projet avancerai (un petit peu) plus.
I'm on urxvt and it does what it needs to do. Terminology looks really interesting (doesn't need X, has native image displaying), but I couldn't get it to compile.
Finalterm also looked quite crazy, but was discontinued, sadly.
The TempleOS command line can actually do some nice things too (like draw images in the cli), but that is actually part of its sh, iirc.
I have to disagree here (partly). I'd love a richer terminal which would be able to display images, videos, pdf and, yes, even html.
There are some terminals going into that direction, e.g. terminology or butterfly.
>What made you switch to terminology from efl/enlightenment?
And just now, after the first alcoholic beverage, I understand that I was a little bit ambiguous with the "from". Sorry there. I meant something like "from the project".
What made you switch to terminology from efl/enlightenment?
Do you listen to music while programming? If so, what music? (I'm very interested in great minds music choices)
No clue, but a few can do graphics with sixels. The Enlightenment terminal, Terminology also has its own custom method of displaying media that can be used with the supplied tycat
command to output images in-line.
I don't think so. I never saw an option for this feature.
But the Terminal from the Enlightenment desktop is capable of this feature:
Rendering was corrupted for me on Ubuntu 17.04. However you can install terminology and use tycat/tyls to view full images and get directory listings with thumbnails.
Well there's terminology but afaik it requires the image to be on the disk, so you'll have to change the script to save it as a temporary file and will not work through ssh.
I would be more than happy to be proven wrong, tough. Edit: it does :) but I don't know if it's compatible with iterm2 escape sequence