WebBrains JetStorm - has an IDE for Javascript.... so you get your intellisense lovelyness..... and it comes with a few frameworks, so you can start a project, and have a responsive template, with bootstrap and jQuery built in.
It's all rather nice!
JetBrains makes a whole suite of IDEs with plugins for pretty much every language. WebStorm is another great option if you don't need all of PhpStorm's PHP features.
In my opinion, the best editor out is webStorm. It'll bring your coding/scripting to a whole new level. Most of these plugins that was mentioned in the article are standard with webStorm. It's JavaScript syntax editor is on a whole new level
As I said in the post, webstorm is probably what you are looking for. Amazing refactoring tools, nice set of plugins, node debugging... And they have a 30 day trial :)
If you want a professional IDE, WebStorm is amazing and cross-platform:
If you like text editors Sublime is the standard, but I recently checked out Atom ( and it's great (also free).
Lots of people will tell you that Sublime is amazing and can do everything which any IDE can. This is all true—however, by the time you get it doing everything that an IDE like WebStorm does, you've installed a myriad of plugins (some of which are unstable) and effectively turned your lightweight text editor into an IDE.
I can't comment much on Dreamweaver because I haven't even touched it for at least 6 years. Back in the day it produced absolutely attrocious code. My understanding is that this has changed, but I have absolutely zero desire or need to go back to it. Really, give WebStorm (or one of the other JetBrains IDEs) a shot. It has some incredible features which just work—no matter which OS you're using.
Note: PhpStorm = WebStorm with PHP specific tools. Other then that they are identical, which may not be clear from JetBrains' website.
You should take a look at WebStorm by JetBrains (the same company that makes IntelliJ, PyCharm, etc.)
Alternatively, there's an interesting Chrome dev tool in Canary builds for debugging async code. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks neat.
They are mainly using Angular JS (which is a really good javascript framework).
The video is mostly used to showcase the webstorm ide which is a really neat tool for client side (browser) development. In fact, Webstorm is on sale for the next 10 hours, it's only $12 (that's a steal).
I'm buying mine shortly.
It is an html5 page, but it appears that the pretty stuff is webgl done with javascript.
If you look thru the [java]( files , you'll notice they say who it was coded by and in what software. The first file is the bulk of the code, and like i said it shows that c4rl05 / Carlos Ulloa coded it in somethign called Webstorm. The second file is a file is for random configuration stuff like pulling in images.
I've fallen in love with WebStorm. It's my favorite client side (HTML CSS Javascript) IDE. If you don't want to drop $50 on an IDE, I suggest going with either Aptana, Sublime Text, or my personal favorite, Notepad++.
Also! One of our fellow /r/incremental_games users has a website with some nice Javascript tutorials @ Almost Idle, but I suggest learning the basics of Javascript from W3Schools.
It is a more descriptive name though - because by being too ducking expensive they end up restricting themselves too much.
I agree with /u/lju1977 they should have gone cheaper for indies -- do it like jetbrains does it with Webstorm and charge indies a much cheaper rate than you charge business developers.
In the long run it is going to make you a lot more money and it is going to create a viable ecosystem so that there are people actually using your products, that companies can hire.
Do yourself a favor and try a heavyweight IDE. WebStorm is only $50 and it will help you out so much. If you are doing alot of PHP, then use PHPStorm instead. Both have 30 day trials.
I have no experience with it myself but the course recommends using JetBrains WebStorm. I have used a number of JetBrains' products and they are always very good, so I have no reason to doubt that WebStorm is not excellent.
Just to clarify: IntelliJ community edition is free (and open-source). The ultimate edition, however, is not.
And the same developer (JetBrains) makes WebStorm which is centered around web design/dev and priced very reasonably.
Someone else mentioned already but it should be mentioned again: Webstorm is an amazing webdev IDE. I used to use Aptana Studio and still use Sublime Text for quickly editing one off files, but if you have a full fledge project or are using any frameworks such as Angular Webstorm is perfect. Unfortunately it's $50 but they have a 1 month trial.
Edited extra words
For the record I do own a license of WebStorm ( and until I was able to modify,extend and program Eclipse (in real-time) to my Javascript development needs (see AngularJS related posts on, I would agree that eclipse was THAT bad.
Now I 'turned a corner', and the more I learn about Eclipse (and SWT) the more I like it, and the more I can see how it can be made to 'work'
It depends but I find myself switching between intellij and vim. I would like to switch to vim full time but intellij is just so damn good! And if you cant afford intellij they have webstorm which is just as good if you are only going to do frontend work!
If you're on windows, download resharper and use visual studio. Resharper has excellent JS support, far surpassing that of the native visual studio support.
If you don't want to use visual studio or not on windows. Download WebStorm
I used webstorm on a JS heavy project with Jasmine as a testing library and it was awesome.
Also, I prefer the Chrome Dev tools to Firebug. It seems faster and the debugger is easier to use imo.
I like Emacs best because of js2-mode. JetBrains' thing looks really good though, I would check that out first. I forget the name. [edit: it's WebStorm]
Light JS I write in TextMate or BBEdit too. Hell more often than not I'm typing it into textarea's on the web somewhere, or twitter.